Adventure Map Rampart capitol (HotA).gif
完全建成的堡垒在探险地图上的样子 Horn of the Abyss

Castle 城堡
Rampart 堡垒
Tower 塔楼
Inferno 地狱
Necropolis 墓园
Dungeon 地下城
Stronghold 据点
Fortress 要塞
Conflux 元素城 Armageddon's Blade
Cove 港口 Horn of the Abyss


“堡垒是巡逻兵和德鲁伊英雄的大本营,堡垒是一个多种生物共同守卫埃拉西亚的原野,使其免受侵犯的联盟。堡垒拥有两种慢速单位,矮人和枯木卫士,所以堡垒最适合防守战术。其次壁垒的许多生物都具有各种各样的妨害对手的能力,这使得他们在面对大部分对手,尤其是依赖魔法的对手时得心应手。”RoE manual




  • 矿工工会 - (矮人产量建筑,每周产量+4)
  • 树精 - (枯木卫士的产量建筑,每周产量+2)
  • 金库 - (阵营独特建筑,每周第一天使金币增加+10%)
  • 幸运泉 - (阵营独特建筑,在攻城战中使驻守英雄的幸运值+2)
  • 魔幻池 - (阵营独特建筑,每周第一天产出一种1-4个除金币外的随机资源)
  • 守护神像 - (神器建筑,除给予玩家所有英雄+2幸运外,还给予+5000金币和+50%生物增长率的奖励)


Fully upgraded Rampart
Resource Basic Upgrades All
Gold 35000 31000 109000
Wood 50 25 127
Ore 60 35 142
Crystal 34 31 95
Gem 14 11 45
Mercury 4 6 30
Sulfur 4 6 30
Troop cost/week: 26620 Gold + 4 Crystal


市政厅 防御工事 酒馆、市场及物资仓库 魔法行会 禁用的技能
议事堂 议事堂 防御工事 堡垒 酒馆 酒馆 1级魔法行会 1级魔法行会  Bloodlust   Curse
Rampart Town Hall large.gif 内政厅 大本营 大本营 市场 市场 21级魔法行会 2级魔法行会 Death Ripple
议会 议会 城堡 城堡 资源仓库 资源仓库
额外提供 +1 Crystal
3级魔法行会 3级魔法行会 Animate Dead
国会 国会 铁匠铺
First aid tent.png
4级魔法行会 4级魔法行会  Armageddon
5级魔法行会 5级魔法行会 Summon Air Elemental Summon Fire ElementalSacrifice



Rampart heroes (Horn of the Abyss)
名称 类型 特长 技能 1 技能 2 魔法
Clancy Clancy  Ranger  Specialty Unicorns small.gif  Unicorns Basic Interference  Basic Interference  Basic Pathfinding  Basic Pathfinding 
Ivor Ivor  Ranger  Specialty Elves small.gif  Elves Basic Archery  Basic Archery  Basic Offense  Basic Offense 
Jenova Jenova  Ranger  Specialty Gold small.gif  Gold Advanced Archery  Advanced Archery   
Kyrre Kyrre  Ranger  Specialty Logistics small.gif  Logistics Basic Archery  Basic Archery  Basic Logistics  Basic Logistics 
Mephala Mephala  Ranger  Specialty Armorer small.gif  Armorer Basic Leadership  Basic Leadership  Basic Armorer  Basic Armorer 
Ryland Ryland  Ranger  Specialty Dendroids small.gif  Dendroids Basic Leadership  Basic Leadership  Basic Diplomacy  Basic Diplomacy 
Thorgrim Thorgrim  Ranger  Specialty Resistance small.gif  Resistance Advanced Resistance  Advanced Resistance   
Ufretin Ufretin  Ranger  Specialty Dwarves small.gif  Dwarves Basic Interference  Basic Interference  Basic Luck  Basic Luck 
Gelu Gelu Armageddon's Blade  Ranger  Specialty Sharpshooters small.gif  Sharpshooters Basic Leadership  Basic Leadership  Basic Archery  Basic Archery 
Aeris Aeris  Druid  Specialty Pegasi small.gif  Pegasi Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Scouting  Basic Scouting  Protection from Air small.png Protection from Air 
Alagar Alagar  Druid  Specialty Ice Bolt small.gif  Ice Bolt Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Sorcery  Basic Sorcery  Ice Bolt small.png Ice Bolt 
Coronius Coronius  Druid  Specialty Slayer small.gif  Slayer Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Scholar  Basic Scholar  Slayer small.png Slayer 
Elleshar Elleshar  Druid  Specialty Intelligence small.gif  Intelligence Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Intelligence  Basic Intelligence  Curse small.png Curse 
Gem Gem  Druid  Specialty First Aid small.gif  First Aid Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic First Aid  Basic First Aid  Summon Boat small.png Summon Boat 
Malcom Malcom  Druid  Specialty Eagle Eye small.gif  Eagle Eye Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Eagle Eye  Basic Eagle Eye  Magic Arrow small.png Magic Arrow 
Melodia Melodia  Druid  Specialty Fortune small.gif  Fortune Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Luck  Basic Luck  Fortune small.png Fortune 
Uland Uland  Druid  Specialty Cure small.gif  Cure Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Ballistics  Basic Ballistics  Cure small.png Cure 
Giselle Giselle Horn of the Abyss  Ranger  Specialty Interference small.gif  Interference Advanced Interference  Advanced Interference   



某些技能对于特定的英雄职业来说是不可用的,这意味着他们只能从学者女巫小屋(除非由地图制作者允许,否则不包括 link=[招魂术 招魂术link=[领导术 领导术)、先知小屋事件潘多拉之盒处获得这些技能。

巡逻兵无法学习 link=[招魂术 招魂术link=[火系魔法 火系魔法

德鲁伊无法学习 link=[招魂术 招魂术link=[干扰术 干扰术 Horn of the Abyss


Rampart creatures
名称  城镇 等级 - + 生命值 速度 产量 AI价值 费用  特殊技能
Centaur Centaur Town portrait Rampart small.gif 1 5 3 2 3 8 6 14 100 70 Gold  
Centaur Captain Centaur Captain Town portrait Rampart small.gif 1+ 6 3 2 3 10 8 14 138 90 Gold  
Dwarf Dwarf Town portrait Rampart small.gif 2 6 7 2 4 20 3 8 138 120 Gold   Resistance +20%
Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf Town portrait Rampart small.gif 2+ 7 7 2 4 20 5 8 209 150 Gold   Resistance +40%
Wood Elf Wood Elf Town portrait Rampart small.gif 3 9 5 3 5 15 6 7 234 200 Gold   Ranged (24 shots)
Grand Elf Grand Elf Town portrait Rampart small.gif 3+ 9 5 3 5 15 7 7 331 225 Gold   Ranged (24 shots), Double attack
Pegasus Pegasus Town portrait Rampart small.gif 4 9 8 5 9 30 8 5 518 250 Gold   Flying, Magic damper
Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus Town portrait Rampart small.gif 4+ 9 10 5 9 30 12 5 532 275 Gold   Flying, Magic damper
Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard Town portrait Rampart small.gif 5 9 12 10 14 55 3 3 517 350 Gold   Binding
Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier Town portrait Rampart small.gif 5+ 9 12 10 14 65 4 3 803 425 Gold   Binding
Unicorn Unicorn Town portrait Rampart small.gif 6 15 14 18 22 90 7 2 1806 850 Gold   Blind, Aura of Resistance +20%
War Unicorn War Unicorn Town portrait Rampart small.gif 6+ 15 14 18 22 110 9 2 2030 950 Gold   Blind, Aura of Resistance +20%
Green Dragon Green Dragon Town portrait Rampart small.gif 7 18 18 40 50 180 10 1 4872 2400 Gold , 1 Crystal  Dragon, Flying, Breath attack, 1-3 lvl spells immunity
Gold Dragon Gold Dragon Town portrait Rampart small.gif 7+ 27 27 40 50 250 16 1 8613 4000 Gold , 2 Crystal  Dragon, Flying, Breath attack, 1-4 lvl spells immunity



  • With two slow creature types, dwarves and dendroids, rampart armies may be best suited to defensive tactics. Most of Rampart creatures, however, have enemy hampering abilities that can be used to turn the tide against many opponents, especially those dependent on magical attacks.
  • Silver Pegasi are among the fastest creatures in the game, which often offers chance to act first in combat. However, they are quite fragile and should be used with caution.
  • Gold Dragons' spell immunity is a double-edged sword, their skills cannot be enhanced but nor can they be diminished.
  • Beware of Green and Gold Dragons' breath attack which can damage your own troops.
  • Having only Gold Dragons in your army and having learnt Armageddon spell somewhere, you may rush through the map with Dragogeddon manoeuvre. Green Dragons cannot be used for Dragogeddon as they are susceptible to 4-5 level spells.
  • Dwarves and Dendroids are tough and useful in shielding Elves (or other shooters).
  • The Grand Elf is a nice shooter, but is often blinded or damaged through spells. Thus, protecting this ranged attacker with Double attack by anti magic spells like Anti-Magic (4th or 5th level spells only, up to spell immunity) or Magic Mirror (20% to 40% chance of reflecting spells back to the enemy and then target a random stack) can be useful.
  • It is beneficial to build and upgrade Homestead prior to all the other dwellings.
  • Defending a town, it is possible to use Dendroids to bind enemies in the moats.
  • Try to build Treasury as soon as possible. Having a Treasury, don't spend money on Days 5-7 if it isn't necessary, and try to sell resources for gold at a Marketplace or Trading Post. You will earn interest when the new week begins.
  • Strategy Guide for Rampart von Jolly Joker on Celestial Heavens


  • Centaurs and Centaur Captains are among the best 1st level creatures.
  • Several Treasuries can become extremely powerful in longer games as every treasury's 10% bonus is cumulative.
  • Grand Elves are fast ranged units that can be acquired early in the game and, what is even more important, shoot twice.
  • Several units with high speed rating can form a very potent force in the late game.
  • Rampart produces the most hit points per week of all towns.
  • Many anti-magic abilities of creatures. This includes Dwarves' resistance, ability of Pegasi to increase cost of a spell casted by the enemy hero, Unicorns' aura of resistance, and finally Green and Gold Dragons' immunity to the majority of spells (Gold Dragons can be part of Dragogeddon).
  • Unicorns are versatile high-level warriors, useful in both attack and defense. After being upgraded, they become one of the fastest creatures unable to fly, and have brilliant health. Moreover, they are very cheap, as Scorpicores and Wyvern Monarchs have higher price and lower stats than War Unicorns (while being quite faster than the latter and able to fly).

