Dendroid Guard and Dendroid Soldier

Rampart creatures
Level 1
Centaur Centaur
Centaur Captain Centaur Captain
Level 2
Dwarf Dwarf
Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf
Level 3
Wood Elf Wood Elf
Grand Elf Grand Elf
Level 4
Pegasus Pegasus
Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus
Level 5
Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard
Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier
Level 6
Unicorn Unicorn
War Unicorn War Unicorn
Level 7
Green Dragon Green Dragon
Gold Dragon Gold Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Dendroid Guard
Creature Dendroid Guard.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 9
防御力 12
杀伤力 10–14
生命值 55
速度 3
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 3 (+2)
AI价值 517
Dendroid Soldier
Creature Dendroid Soldier.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 9
防御力 12
杀伤力 10–14
生命值 65
速度 4
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 3 (+2)
AI价值 803
Dendroid Arches  Dendroid Guard (adventure map).gif   Dendroid Soldier (adventure map).gif

Dendroid Guards and Dendroid Soldiers are the level 5 creatures of Rampart. They are recruited from the Dendroid Arches.

"Slow and powerful dendroids bash their opponents with their wooden limbs. Those attacked by dendroids are snared in tangling roots and bound in place until the dendroids move or are killed." RoE manual

Building the Dendroid Saplings increases dendroids' growth by 2 per week.

Special ability

Dendroids' attack causes an enemy to be bound to the ground, unable to move until the stack of dendroids that entangled them moves or perishes, but the effect can also be removed with Dispel or Teleport spells. The visual effect of binding is a bunch of roots appearing from the ground.

Anti-Magic doesn't protect units from being bound by this ability.

In Shadow of Death and until version 1.3.3 of Horn of the Abyss, the ability is bugged when used on Harpies attacking with strike and return ability. After Dendroids retaliated Harpies are bound to the original hex that they had attacked from and remain bound even if the Dendroid stack moves or dies.

Heroes with a specialty

  • Ryland Ryland the Ranger has dendroids as a specialty, which increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Dendroid Guards or Soldiers for each level attained after 5th level, and gives them a speed bonus of 1.


In 深渊号角, Dendroid Soldier's appearance was changed in order to be easier to differentiate it from the base unit:

Dendroid Soldier portrait.gif ArrowL-R.gif Dendroid Soldier portrait (HotA).gif  Dendroid Soldier (HotA) (adventure map).gif



See also: