Green Dragon and Gold Dragon

Rampart creatures
Level 1
Centaur Centaur
Centaur Captain Centaur Captain
Level 2
Dwarf Dwarf
Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf
Level 3
Wood Elf Wood Elf
Grand Elf Grand Elf
Level 4
Pegasus Pegasus
Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus
Level 5
Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard
Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier
Level 6
Unicorn Unicorn
War Unicorn War Unicorn
Level 7
Green Dragon Green Dragon
Gold Dragon Gold Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Green Dragon
Creature Green Dragon.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif
Resource Crystal 20x18.gif
攻击力 18
防御力 18
杀伤力 40–50
生命值 180
速度 10
移动 Flying
体型 2
产量 1
AI价值 4872
Breath attack
Immune to level 1–3 spells
• Counts as dragon
Gold Dragon
Creature Gold Dragon.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif
Resource Crystal 20x18.gif
攻击力 27
防御力 27
杀伤力 40–50
生命值 250
速度 16
移动 Flying
体型 2
产量 1
AI价值 8613
Breath attack
Immune to level 1–4 spells
• Counts as dragon
Dragon Cliffs  Green Dragon (adventure map).gifGold Dragon (adventure map).gif

Green Dragons and Gold Dragons are the level 7 creatures of Rampart. They are recruited from the Dragon Cliffs.

"Green and gold dragons deliver devastating damage in the form of poisonous or sulfurous breath. Green dragons are immune to spells below the fourth level and gold dragons are only affected by spells of level five." RoE manual

Placing Green and/or Gold Dragons (as well as any other living Dragons) in the Skeleton Transformer will give you Bone Dragons instead of regular Skeletons.



See also: