Skeleton and Skeleton Warrior

Necropolis creatures
Level 1
Skeleton Skeleton
Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior
Level 2
Walking Dead Walking Dead
Zombie Zombie
Level 3
Wight Wight
Wraith Wraith
Level 4
Vampire Vampire
Vampire Lord Vampire Lord
Level 5
Lich Lich
Power Lich Power Lich
Level 6
Black Knight Black Knight
Dread Knight Dread Knight
Level 7
Bone Dragon Bone Dragon
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Skeleton.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 5
防御力 4
杀伤力 1–3
生命值 6
速度 4
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 12 (+6)
AI价值 60
Skeleton Warrior
Creature Skeleton Warrior.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 6
防御力 6
杀伤力 1–3
生命值 6
速度 5
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 12 (+6)
AI价值 85
Cursed Temple  Skeleton (adventure map).gifSkeleton Warrior (adventure map).gif

Skeletons and Skeleton Warriors are the level 1 creatures of Necropolis. They are recruited from the Cursed Temple. They can also be generated by Necromancy.

"While skeletons and skeleton warriors are average foot soldiers individually, it is possible to build massively populated troops of them. They are numerously produced, are the main creature produced by the Necromancy secondary skill, and other creature types can be converted into them at Necropolis Skeleton Transformers." RoE manual

Building the Unearthed Graves increases skeletons' growth by 6 per week.

If all slots are occupied and you only have Skeleton Warriors in your army, then Necromancy will raise only 2/3 of the numbers of regular skeletons as Skeleton Warriors.

Heroes with a specialty

  • Galthran Galthran the Death Knight has skeletons as a specialty, which increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Skeletons or Skeleton Warriors for each level attained after 1st level and gives them a speed bonus of 1.



See also: