Pegasus and Silver Pegasus

Rampart creatures
Level 1
Centaur Centaur
Centaur Captain Centaur Captain
Level 2
Dwarf Dwarf
Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf
Level 3
Wood Elf Wood Elf
Grand Elf Grand Elf
Level 4
Pegasus Pegasus
Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus
Level 5
Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard
Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier
Level 6
Unicorn Unicorn
War Unicorn War Unicorn
Level 7
Green Dragon Green Dragon
Gold Dragon Gold Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Pegasus.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 9
防御力 8
杀伤力 5–9
生命值 30
速度 8
移动 Flying
体型 2
产量 5
AI价值 518
Magic damper
Silver Pegasus
Creature Silver Pegasus.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 9
防御力 10
杀伤力 5–9
生命值 30
速度 12
移动 Flying
体型 2
产量 5
AI价值 532
Magic damper
Enchanted Spring  Pegasus (adventure map).gif   Silver Pegasus (adventure map).gif

Pegasi and Silver Pegasi are the level 4 creatures of Rampart. They are recruited from the Enchanted Spring.

"Pegasi, winged horses ridden by female elven warriors, are the flying cavalry of the Rampart army. Their appearance on the battlefield makes it more difficult for enemy spellcasters, who must pay two extra spell points per spell cast when pegasi are present." RoE manual

Magic damper special ability

Both Pegasi and Silver Pegasi have a magic damper special ability. It causes enemy hero's spells to cost two extra spell points, if pegasi were present at the beginning of the combat. Even if all the pegasi die during the battle, the spells will cost two extra points until the end of combat.

Heroes with a specialty

  • Aeris Aeris the Druid has pegasi as a specialty, which increases the attack and defense skills of any pegasi or silver pegasi for each level attained after 4th level and gives them a speed bonus of 1.



See also: