Giants and Titans are the level 7 creatures of Tower. They are recruited from the Cloud Temple.
"Giants and titans are immune to spells affecting the mind. Titans do 150% damage to black dragons, can hurl lightning bolts in a ranged attack and suffer no penalty for hand-to-hand attacks, making them the most powerful ranged attack unit in the game." RoE manual
Special Abilities
Mind Spell Immunity
Unlike the Black Dragon's full Spell immunity, the Giants and Titans are only immune to mind altering spells. This is still very useful as they're immune to Blind and Berserk among others. This allows them to be resurrected, but also killed by attacking spells, or affected by any other kinds of spells like buffing or debuffing spells. However, negative spells become less relevant with time as creature stacks become too big for spells to make meaningful dents in them, do comparable damage, or significantly lower their efficiency by spells like Curse or Weakness.
See also: