Adventure Map Stronghold capitol (HotA).gif
完全建成的据点在探险地图上的样子 Horn of the Abyss

Castle 城堡
Rampart 堡垒
Tower 塔楼
Inferno 地狱
Necropolis 墓园
Dungeon 地下城
Stronghold 据点
Fortress 要塞
Conflux 元素城 Armageddon's Blade
Cove 港口 Horn of the Abyss

Stronghold is a neutral alignment town with the barbarian and battle mage hero classes. Stronghold represents Krewlod.

"Stronghold towns are built by alliances of tribes and are frequented by the Barbarian and Battle Mage hero types. Armies composed of Stronghold-based units have a balanced mix of ranged and hand-to-hand attackers. With the inclusion of the stronger units, these armies are particularly well-equipped to deal with attacks on other towns." RoE manual

Stronghold's native terrain is rough.

Stronghold creature dwellings

Stonghold specific buildings

Stronghold building tree

Fully upgraded Stronghold
Resource Basic Upgrades All
Gold 28700 28000 91200
Wood 60 47 157
Ore 70 47 157
Crystal 30 20 60
Gem 0 5 15
Mercury 0 0 10
Sulfur 0 0 10
Troop cost/week: 24530 Gold + 2 Crystal

Common buildings

市政厅 防御工事 酒馆、市场及物资仓库 魔法行会 禁用的技能
议事堂 议事堂 防御工事 堡垒 酒馆 酒馆 1级魔法行会 1级魔法行会  Curse
Stronghold Town Hall large.gif 内政厅 大本营 大本营 市场 市场 21级魔法行会 2级魔法行会 Death Ripple
议会 议会 城堡 城堡 资源仓库 资源仓库
额外提供 +1 Wood & +1 Ore
3级魔法行会 3级魔法行会 Animate Dead      
国会 国会 铁匠铺
Ammo cart.png


[Switch to Horn of the Abyss]
[Switch to Shadow of Death]


某些技能对于特定的英雄职业来说是不可用的,这意味着他们只能从学者女巫小屋(除非由地图制作者允许,否则不包括 link=[招魂术 招魂术link=[领导术 领导术)、先知小屋事件潘多拉之盒处获得这些技能。

link=[招魂术 招魂术 and link=[水系魔法 水系魔法 are not available for barbarians.

link=[招魂术 招魂术 and link=[航海术 航海术 are not available for battle mages.


Fortress creatures
名称  城镇 等级 - + 生命值 速度 产量 AI价值 费用  特殊技能
Goblin Goblin Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 1 4 2 1 2 5 5 15 60 40 Gold  
Hobgoblin Hobgoblin Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 1+ 5 3 1 2 5 7 15 78 50 Gold  
Wolf Rider Wolf Rider Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 2 7 5 2 4 10 6 9 130 100 Gold  
Wolf Raider Wolf Raider Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 2+ 8 5 3 4 10 8 9 203 140 Gold   Double attack
Orc Orc Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 3 8 4 2 5 15 4 7 192 150 Gold   Ranged (12 shots)
Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 3+ 8 4 2 5 20 5 7 240 165 Gold   Ranged (24 shots)
Ogre Ogre Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 4 13 7 6 12 40 4 4 416 300 Gold  
Ogre Mage Ogre Mage Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 4+ 13 7 6 12 60 5 4 672 400 Gold   Cast Bloodlust x3
Roc Roc Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 5 13 11 11 15 60 7 3 1027 600 Gold   Flying
Thunderbird Thunderbird Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 5+ 13 11 11 15 60 11 3 1106 700 Gold   Flying, Lightning strike
Cyclops Cyclops Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 6 15 12 16 20 70 6 2 1266 750 Gold   Ranged (16 shots), Can attack siege walls
Cyclops King Cyclops King Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 6+ 17 13 16 20 70 8 2 1443 1100 Gold   Ranged (24 shots), Can attack siege walls
Behemoth Behemoth Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 7 17 17 30 50 160 6 1 3162 1500 Gold   Defense -40% to enemy target
Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 7+ 19 19 30 50 300 9 1 6168 3000 Gold , 1 Crystal  Defense -80% to enemy target



  • Armies composed of stronghold-based units have a balanced mix of ranged and hand-to-hand attackers. With the inclusion of the stronger units, these armies are particularly well-equipped to deal with attacks on other towns.
  • Hobgoblins are excellent 1st level creatures due to their high speed. Giving them to secondary heroes they will give them a lot more movement points (only Sprites and Centaur Captains are faster). With 70-80 Hobgoblins, you can already take down 3 Behemoths and conquer a Behemoth Crag in the first week. Similar for other tough but slow monsters that are a single stack. This is possible due to their speed. Make 6 stacks of one Hobgoblin and the last stack has all remaining. This big stack is in the last slot (on the bottom when fighting). The strategy is as follows: The Behemoths are in reach of the Hobgoblins but the Hobgoblins are just outside the Behemoths reach. The big stack of Hobgoblins waits. One single Hobgoblin attacks the Behemoths to take the retaliation. Then, the Behemoths approach but can't attack because nothing is in range. After the Behemoths moved, the big stack attacks on the side where they have more space to run away. The round ends. In the next round, everyone runs out of reach in one direction, only one Hobgoblin stays behind in reach of the Behemoths to lure them away. Then, you get the same situation as before and repeat until the Behemoths are dead. You should get ~4 hits before they retaliated once against you. That is sufficient to take down the rest in melee 1v1.
  • Be aware that Tactics and Haste are incredibly important to get the rather slow Stronghold units engaged into combat.
  • Always have your Wolf Riders strike not as the first one so they won't receive the retaliation. They deal an immense amount of damage but are very fragile.
  • Expert Teleport and Earthquake are your spells when besieging a town with a castle (Teleport is hard to get though). Expert Teleport lets you teleport troops behind walls. You have only two mediocre damage-dealing shooters and one expensive flier. You need to get the Behemoths and/or Ogres involved. Consider splitting your Cyclops Kings into 2-4 stacks so you can take down the walls effectively. After 18 hits, the entire defensive structures are destroyed. With Expert Ballistics and two stacks of Cyclops Kings you can get 2 + 2*2 = 6 attacks onto walls per round this way. After 3 rounds, you have destroyed everything. In Round 2, some towers will already be destroyed. If you additionally have Expert Earthquake, you can take down the entire defensive structures in only two rounds. With four Cyclops King stacks and neither Ballistics nor Earthquake you will still destroy all defensive structures within two rounds.
  • Don't be fooled by the low AI value of Behemoths. Yes, they don't have a 2-hex breath attack, they can't resurrect dead allies and they are not immune to spells. However, they defeat all other level 7 units in 1v1 combat, except Haspids, and are also the cheapest level 7 unit. Because they are not immune to spells, they *can* get resurrected. Their only downside is that they are slow - but that's what you can fix with Tactics and Haste. Their building has the fewest prerequisites of all level 7 buildings so you can start amassing them early. In late-game their defense-reducing ability scales very well and they deal absurd amounts of damage.
  • Beware of saving lives of your Thunderbirds. The more Thunderbirds is in a stack, the more additional damage will their lightning strike do. Cure them if necessary.
  • Strategy Guide for Stronghold from Jolly Joker on Celestial Heavens


  • Stronghold is the cheapest town to fully build up.
  • Hero classes. Battle Mage is one of the most balanced classes in the game with a host of useful specials. Barbarians are the best fighter class available, expect attack ratings to rise fast and keep on rising. With great specials like Offense, a high-level Barbarian is a tough opponent.
  • Escape Tunnel: it is great to be able to retreat from a siege, so that you don't lose your best hero this way. However, it doesn't allow surrender and thus won't save your army.
  • Cyclopes and Cyclops Kings can attack castle walls with their ranged attack. This is a vastly underestimated special that can tip the scale in an attacking force's favor very quickly, especially when combined with a fast initiative-giving unit and Haste (Expert level for best effect). If you have the room in your army, every additional stack gives additional shots at the wall! A stack of 1 Cyclops King 'sieges' as well as a stack of 1,000 (and twice as well as a stack of Cyclops).
  • Ancient Behemoth can win a 1vs1 against most 7th level creatures.
  • Crag Hack is one of the best Heroes in the game, at later stages, he will deal incredible amounts of damage thanks to his Offense specialty.
  • Least expensive town as far as weekly troop cost is concerned for gold, though the Rampart town will often have a better economy in general by making use of the Treasury.
  • Possible to get Behemoths on third day, provided sufficient resources.
  • Freelancer's Guild may be helpful to get resources you need by getting rid of units which aren't very important (being weak, slow, and/or not from Stronghold).
  • Opportunity to get two war machines.
  • Gurnisson with his artillery ability and high attack, can quickly take many mines, artifacts, enemy heroes, and artifacts quite easily in early-game. The ballista doesn't phase out with a high attack Barbarian until way later in late-game, so this is a great strategy to get a fast start on Stronghold, and get Behemoths quickly.


  • Stronghold creatures have the lowest defense rating of all towns.
  • Slow units, the fastest is the Thunderbird with a Speed of 11. Ancient Behemoth has 9.
  • Magic, Mage Guild is limited to level 3.
  • Only one flying unit, namely the Thunderbird.
  • Cyclops and Behemoth lairs both require a lot of crystal to build. This competition makes it hard to have them both out in the earlier times - you have to choose between one of them, while both are very useful.

See also