Pixie and Sprite

Conflux creatures
Level 1
Pixie Pixie Armageddon's Blade
Sprite Sprite Armageddon's Blade
Level 2
Air Elemental Air Elemental
Storm Elemental Storm Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 3
Water Elemental Water Elemental
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 4
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental
Energy Elemental Energy Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 5
Earth Elemental Earth Elemental
Magma Elemental Magma Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 6
Psychic Elemental Psychic Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Magic Elemental Magic Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 7
Firebird Firebird Armageddon's Blade
Phoenix Phoenix Armageddon's Blade
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Pixie.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 2
防御力 2
杀伤力 1–2
生命值 3
速度 7
移动 Flying
体型 1
产量 20 (+10)
AI价值 55
Creature Sprite.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 2
防御力 2
杀伤力 1–3
生命值 3
速度 9
移动 Flying
体型 1
产量 20 (+10)
AI价值 95
No enemy retaliation
Magic Lantern  Pixie (adventure map).gifSprite (adventure map).gif

Pixies and Sprites are the level 1 creatures of Conflux. They are recruited from the Magic Lantern.

"Within the land of Antagarich, Pixies and Sprites have found a home within the walls of the Conflux. These flying creatures are usually found in large numbers and possess great quickness. Sprites strike so quickly, they prevent their enemies from counterstriking." AB manual

Building the Garden of Life increases Pixie and Sprite growth by 10 per week.


  • The portraits of Pixie and Sprite got minor changes.



See also: