Orc and Orc Chieftain

Stronghold creatures
Level 1
Goblin Goblin
Hobgoblin Hobgoblin
Level 2
Wolf Rider Wolf Rider
Wolf Raider Wolf Raider
Level 3
Orc Orc
Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain
Level 4
Ogre Ogre
Ogre Mage Ogre Mage
Level 5
Roc Roc
Thunderbird Thunderbird
Level 6
Cyclops Cyclops
Cyclops King Cyclops King
Level 7
Behemoth Behemoth
Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Orc.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 8
防御力 4
杀伤力 2–5
生命值 15
速度 4
移动 陆地
体型 1
弹药 12
产量 7
AI价值 192
Ranged attack
Orc Chieftain
Creature Orc Chieftain.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 8
防御力 4
杀伤力 2–5
生命值 20
速度 5
移动 陆地
体型 1
弹药 24
产量 7
AI价值 240
Ranged attack
Orc Tower  Orc (adventure map).gifOrc Chieftain (adventure map).gif

Orcs and Orc Chieftains are the level 3 creatures of Stronghold. They are recruited from the Orc Tower.

"Armed with throwing axes, orcs and orc chieftains have an effective ranged attack. At close range, their low speed and defensive values, and the ranged attacker hand-to-hand damage penalty, make them vulnerable." RoE manual

Heroes with a specialty

Jabarkas Jabarkas the Barbarian has orcs as a specialty, which increases the attack and defense skills of any orcs or orc chieftains for each level attained after 3rd level and gives them a speed bonus of 1.


In 深渊号角, Orcs and Orc Chieftains got a new appearance, which is closer to orcs from Heroes II and IV:

Orc portrait.gif ArrowL-R.gif Orc portrait (HotA).gif  Orc (HotA) (adventure map).gif  Creature Orc (HotA).gif

Orc Chieftain portrait.gif ArrowL-R.gif Orc Chieftain portrait (HotA).gif  Orc Chieftain (HotA) (adventure map).gif  Creature Orc Chieftain (HotA).gif



See also: