Adventure Map Tower capitol (HotA).gif
完全建成的塔楼在探险地图上的样子 Horn of the Abyss

Castle 城堡
Rampart 堡垒
Tower 塔楼
Inferno 地狱
Necropolis 墓园
Dungeon 地下城
Stronghold 据点
Fortress 要塞
Conflux 元素城 Armageddon's Blade
Cove 港口 Horn of the Abyss


“炼金术师与术士在塔楼学习神秘学知识。塔楼的部队由两部分组成,一部分是由强力魔法塑造的生物,通常是当场制作出来的,而另一部分则是因古老条约而与塔楼结盟的生物。塔楼的部队拥有出色的士气和最好的远程单位。”RoE manual





Fully upgraded Tower in Horn of the Abyss
Resource Basic Upgrades All
Gold 28300 37500 111300
Wood 50 25 135
Ore 65 20 135
Crystal 13 8 49
Gem 23 38 89
Mercury 7 13 48
Sulfur 7 8 43
Troop cost/week: 30800 Gold + 4 Gem



市政厅 防御工事 酒馆、市场及物资仓库 魔法行会 禁用的技能
议事堂 议事堂 防御工事 堡垒 酒馆 酒馆 1级魔法行会 1级魔法行会  Bloodlust
Tower Town Hall large.gif 内政厅 大本营 大本营 市场 市场 21级魔法行会 2级魔法行会 Death Ripple
议会 议会 城堡 城堡 资源仓库 资源仓库
额外提供 +1 Gem
3级魔法行会 3级魔法行会 Animate Dead
国会 国会 铁匠铺
Ammo cart.png
4级魔法行会 4级魔法行会  Armageddon
5级魔法行会 5级魔法行会 Summon Fire ElementalSacrifice




某些技能对于特定的英雄职业来说是不可用的,这意味着他们只能从学者女巫小屋(除非由地图制作者允许,否则不包括 link=[招魂术 招魂术link=[领导术 领导术)、先知小屋事件潘多拉之盒处获得这些技能。

炼金术士无法学习 link=[招魂术 招魂术

术士无法学习 link=[招魂术 招魂术link=[抵抗力 抵抗力link=[干扰术 干扰术 Horn of the Abyss


Tower creatures
名称  城镇 等级 - + 生命值 速度 产量 AI价值 费用  特殊技能
Gremlin Gremlin Town portrait Tower small.gif 1 3 3 1 2 4 4 16 44 30 Gold  
Master Gremlin Master Gremlin Town portrait Tower small.gif 1+ 4 4 1 2 4 5 16 66 40 Gold   Ranged (8 shots)
Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle Town portrait Tower small.gif 2 6 6 2 3 16 6 9 165 130 Gold   Unliving, Flying
Obsidian Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle Town portrait Tower small.gif 2+ 7 7 2 3 16 9 9 201 160 Gold   Unliving, Flying
Stone Golem Stone Golem Town portrait Tower small.gif 3 7 10 4 5 30 3 6 250 150 Gold   Unliving, Spell Damage Resistance +50%
Iron Golem Iron Golem Town portrait Tower small.gif 3+ 9 10 4 5 35 5 6 412 200 Gold   Unliving, Spell Damage Resistance +75%
Mage Mage Town portrait Tower small.gif 4 11 8 7 9 25 5 4 570 350 Gold   Ranged (24 shots), No melee penalty, No obstacle penalty, Spells cost -2 sp
Arch Mage Arch Mage Town portrait Tower small.gif 4+ 12 9 7 9 30 7 4 680 450 Gold   Ranged (24 shots), No melee penalty, No obstacle penalty, Spells cost -2 sp
Genie Genie Town portrait Tower small.gif 5 12 12 13 16 40 7 3 884 550 Gold   Flying, Hates Efreet and Efreet Sultans
Master Genie Master Genie Town portrait Tower small.gif 5+ 12 12 13 16 40 11 3 942 600 Gold   Flying, Spellcaster, Hates Efreet and Efreet Sultans
Naga Naga Town portrait Tower small.gif 6 16 13 20 20 110 5 2 2016 1100 Gold   No enemy retaliation
Naga Queen Naga Queen Town portrait Tower small.gif 6+ 16 13 30 30 110 7 2 2840 1600 Gold   No enemy retaliation
Giant Giant Town portrait Tower small.gif 7 19 16 40 60 150 7 1 3718 2000 Gold , 1 Gem  Immunity to Mind spells
Titan Titan Town portrait Tower small.gif 7+ 24 24 40 60 300 11 1 7500 5000 Gold , 2 Gem  Ranged (24 shots), No melee penalty, Immunity to Mind spells, Hates Black Dragons



  • Tower armies have some of the best ranged-attack units available.
  • A good strategy for Tower is to upgrade Workshop as soon as possible in order to upgrade Gremlins into shooting Master Gremlins. With relatively fast Stone Gargoyles it is possible to form protective wall of gargoyles around a stack of Master Gremlins. This works especially good against wandering creatures. The downside is, that Master Gremlins only have 8 shots, which can sometimes run out. Additionally, casting Haste on Master Gremlins makes them typically act first.
  • Another useful strategy is to form few strong troops and to fill the rest of the slots with one (or few) Master Genie each. During the combat Master Genies' can use their special ability to cast spells on the strong troops to furthermore boost their abilities. This way it is possible to cast 4–6 spells per turn. This is especially useful when playing on Difficult/Impossible difficulty. Buy the Tower hero from the Tavern in the first weeks. Collect all Gremlins into one stack and upgrade them to Master Gremlins. The moment you can recruit Master Genies, fill the 6 other slots with one each, or make two stacks of Gremlins and use 5 Master Genies. With about 200-300 Master Gremlins you can defeat most wandering creatures without losses and your army is very cheap which lets you save Gold for the upgraded Cloud Temple. In the first round of every fight you cast spells onto your Gremlins until they got Haste and/or Prayer to be faster than the enemy creatures. Then they will get ~ 2 full arrow shots out. Because they often get Precision, Bless, or Frenzy as well, their attack becomes ridiculously strong. Mirth often boosts their morale to let them maybe shoot an additional time.
  • Tower's town defense is made easy by cheap, resilient, and rapidly growing golems. When defending in the early game, fill all slots of your town with equal numbers of golems. In the first round, spread them behind the walls to minimize the effect of area-of-effect spells like Fireball, Meteor Shower, Frost Ring, Inferno, etc. The golems also have a good damage reduction against spells so spells will not bring you down. Then, always defend and don't attack yourself. Your towers will take care of all enemy troops because it takes a long time to kill golems.
  • Giants are not much use until they are upgraded to Titans. In fact, they only have 150 health which makes them quite vulnerable. However, upgrading them is very expensive.
  • Tower towns are very powerful in the late game, and draw much of their lore from the "wizard" hero in Heroes of Might and Magic II. Their creatures and structures are fairly pricey and on maps with scarce resources, you may find it difficult advancing your dwellings and especially acquiring titans. One tip for the thrifty wizard is skip upgrading some of your low level creatures. Gargoyles benefit with a speed boost to obsidian gargoyles, and master gremlins are a must (the Workshop is very cheap to upgrade), but until master genies, most creature upgrades are not necessary.
  • The lookout tower is a very helpful addition in the early game (especially on small maps), and never underestimate the incredibly effective library structure. Despite its high resource cost, the ability to gain extra spells for all levels is invaluable, and secures the tower as one of the strongest overall towns in the game.
  • However, after assembling a decent army consisting mostly of Titans, Naga Queens and several other support units like a few Master Genie stacks to buff your creatures, you can defeat almost any neutral stack at the time, especially if the hero knows Expert Slow.
  • If you have in the army both Titans and Black Dragons who hate each other, be very careful, as the latter will deal 150% damage on their own Titans having attacked them by mistake.


  • Powerful units.
  • Three ranged units and two fliers.
  • Blacksmith is producing Ammo Carts, which gives Master Gremlins, Magi, Arch Magi and Titans infinite shots.
  • Magic themed town.
    • Library allows extra spells for each level of the Mage Guild.
    • Both hero types begin with a Spell Book and a starting spell.
    • Golems take lower spell damage than any other town units (not regarding those who are completely immune to this or that spell), thus are very good for defending towns.
    • Magi and Arch magi decrease spell cost by 2.
    • Master Genies cast spells.
  • Good support heroes, with many Scholars.
  • Powerful protection of the town via Land Mines.
  • Tower's native terrain is snow, so without Logistics and Pathfinding, the enemy will have complications to reach you.
  • If you play against Dungeon, your Titans will have 150% damage output against Black Dragons and an opportunity of shooting them; while Black Dragons cannot be resurrected in any way.
  • Tower is the only town besides the evil ones where Curse is not banned.
  • Giants and Titans are the only 7th level units against whom Slayer spell does not work until your enemy has Expert Fire Magic.


  • Expensive units, with troops costing 30,800 gold and 4 gems to buyout every week.
  • Gargoyles and Golems cannot be resurrected in any way.
  • Requires lots of valuable resources.
  • Relatively slow town (fastest troops move at speed 11). Nagas which are often Tower's main power are among the slowest on 5-7 level.
  • Prior to their upgrade, many units have significant weaknesses, and basic Gremlins and Giants are on the bottom of their level.
  • Spellcasting of Master Genies is random, and they can cast a generally useless spell like Magic Mirror, a spell which doesn't make much sense in the current situation (e.g. Cure on a stack with 108 HP out of maximum 110), or even a spell which would be bad right now (Anti-magic, Frenzy).
  • The most expensive town to build up.
  • Apart from Dungeon, Tower is perhaps the worst town to play on Impossible level, as Mage Tower which is necessary for 5-7 level dwellings requires Mage Guild and every type of resources (in Dungeon, 3rd level dwelling takes all types of resources). The ability of Master Gremlins to shoot is a big advantage, though.
  • Playing against Inferno, beware of Efreet who can easily destroy your Genies due to 150% damage output. Efreet are one level higher than Genies (6th vs. 5th), and generally much stronger and faster. Moreover, Efreet Sultans have Fire Shield ability, which reflects 20% damage dealt on them. As any type of Genies deals 150% damage on any type of Efreet, the Fire Shield will therefore deal higher damage on Genies.
  • 3rd level creatures' dwellings on the map are guarded, which may cause complications in the early game.
