Armageddon's Blade 僅在啟用官方擴展包「末日之刃」時可用。

Adventure Map Conflux capitol (HotA).gif
完全建成的元素城在探險地圖上的樣子 Horn of the Abyss

Castle 城堡
Rampart 堡壘
Tower 塔樓
Inferno 地獄
Necropolis 墓園
Dungeon 地下城
Stronghold 據點
Fortress 要塞
Conflux 元素城 Armageddon's Blade
Cove 港口 Horn of the Abyss


「元素城是元素使和位面行者的家園。主要由元素生物組成,元素城還提供了居住地給小精靈和難以捉摸的鳳凰。元素城獨特之處在於它們強調中等力量的生物單位。將軍們一直在爭論這是否是城鎮的戰略優勢或弱點。但無論如何,所有人都同意,要有效地領導元素城的軍隊需要一個睿智的指揮官...」 AB manual

元素城的本土地形草地(在深淵號角中替換為高地) Horn of the Abyss



Conflux building tree (深淵號角)

Fully upgraded Conflux in Horn of the Abyss
Resource Basic Upgrades All
Gold 22300 26500 96800
Wood 30 17 145
Ore 50 25 140
Crystal 2 7 33
Gem 2 9 35
Mercury 12 39 75
Sulfur 2 12 38
Troop cost/week: 28500 Gold + 4 Mercury
(31100 Gold + 3 Mercury in HotA)

In 深淵號角 the building tree was changed:


市政廳 防禦工事 酒館、市場及物資倉庫 魔法行會 禁用的技能
議事堂 議事堂 防禦工事 堡壘 酒館 酒館 1級魔法行會 1級魔法行會  Curse
Conflux Town Hall large.gif 內政廳 大本營 大本營 市場 市場 21級魔法行會 2級魔法行會 Death Ripple
議會 議會 城堡 城堡 資源倉庫 資源倉庫
額外提供 +1 Mercury
3級魔法行會 3級魔法行會 Animate Dead
國會 國會 鐵匠鋪
4級魔法行會 4級魔法行會  Armageddon
5級魔法行會 5級魔法行會 Sacrifice      


Conflux heroes
名稱 類型 特長 技能 1 技能 2 魔法
Erdamon Erdamon  Planeswalker  Specialty Earth Elementals small.gif  Earth Elementals Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics  Basic Estates  Basic Estates 
Fiur Fiur  Planeswalker  Specialty Fire Elementals small.gif  Fire Elementals Advanced Offense  Advanced Offense   
Ignissa Ignissa  Planeswalker  Specialty Fire Elementals small.gif  Fire Elementals Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Artillery  Basic Artillery 
Kalt Kalt  Planeswalker  Specialty Water Elementals small.gif  Water Elementals Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics  Basic Learning  Basic Learning 
Lacus Lacus  Planeswalker  Specialty Water Elementals small.gif  Water Elementals Advanced Tactics  Advanced Tactics   
Monere Monere  Planeswalker  Specialty Psychic Elementals small.gif  Psychic Elementals Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Logistics  Basic Logistics 
Pasis Pasis  Planeswalker  Specialty Psychic Elementals small.gif  Psychic Elementals Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Artillery  Basic Artillery 
Thunar Thunar  Planeswalker  Specialty Earth Elementals small.gif  Earth Elementals Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics  Basic Estates  Basic Estates 
Aenain Aenain  Elementalist  Specialty Disrupting Ray small.gif  Disrupting Ray Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Air Magic  Basic Air Magic  Disrupting Ray small.png Disrupting Ray 
Brissa Brissa  Elementalist  Specialty Haste small.gif  Haste Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Air Magic  Basic Air Magic  Haste small.png Haste 
Ciele Ciele  Elementalist  Specialty Magic Arrow small.gif  Magic Arrow Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Water Magic  Basic Water Magic  Magic Arrow small.png Magic Arrow 
Gelare Gelare  Elementalist  Specialty Gold small.gif  Gold Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Water Magic  Basic Water Magic  Dispel small.png Dispel 
Grindan Grindan  Elementalist  Specialty Gold small.gif  Gold Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Earth Magic  Basic Earth Magic  Slow small.png Slow 
Inteus Inteus  Elementalist  Specialty Bloodlust small.gif  Bloodlust Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Fire Magic  Basic Fire Magic  Bloodlust small.png Bloodlust 
Labetha Labetha  Elementalist  Specialty Stone Skin small.gif  Stone Skin Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Earth Magic  Basic Earth Magic  Stone Skin small.png Stone Skin 
Luna Luna  Elementalist  Specialty Fire Wall small.gif  Fire Wall Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Fire Magic  Basic Fire Magic  Fire Wall small.png Fire Wall 


某些技能對於特定的英雄職業來說是不可用的,這意味着他們只能從學者女巫小屋(除非由地圖製作者允許,否則不包括 link=[招魂術 招魂術link=[領導術 領導術)、先知小屋事件潘多拉之盒處獲得這些技能。

位面行者無法學習 link=[招魂術 招魂術

元素使無法學習 link=[招魂術 招魂術link=[抵抗力 抵抗力link=[干擾術 干擾術 Horn of the Abyss



Conflux creatures (Horn of the Abyss)
名稱  城鎮 等級 - + 生命值 速度 產量 AI價值 費用  特殊技能
Pixie Pixie Town portrait Conflux small.gif 1 2 2 1 2 3 7 20 55 25 Gold   Flying
Sprite Sprite Town portrait Conflux small.gif 1+ 2 2 1 3 3 9 20 95 30 Gold   Flying, No enemy retaliation
Air Elemental Air Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 2 9 9 2 8 25 7 6 356 250 Gold   Elemental, Lightning and Armageddon vulnerability, Immune to Meteor Shower, +100% to basic damage to Earth and Magma Elementals
Storm Elemental Storm Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 2+ 9 9 2 8 25 8 6 486 275 Gold   Ranged (24 shots), Elemental, Lightning and Armageddon vulnerability, Immune to Meteor Shower, +100% to basic damage to Earth and Magma Elementals, Casts Protection from Air
Water Elemental Water Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 3 8 10 3 7 30 5 6 315 300 Gold   Elemental, Ice immunity, Vulnerable to Fireball, Inferno and Armageddon, +100% to basic damage to Fire and Energy Elementals
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 3+ 8 10 3 7 30 6 6 380 375 Gold   Ranged (24 shots), Elemental, Ice immunity, Vulnerable to Fireball, Inferno and Armageddon, +100% to basic damage to Fire and Energy Elementals, Casts Protection from Water
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 4 10 8 4 6 35 6 5 345 350 Gold   Elemental, Ice vulnerability, Fire immunity, +100% to basic damage to Water and Ice Elementals
Energy Elemental Energy Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 4+ 12 8 4 6 35 8 5 470 400 Gold   Elemental, Flying, Ice vulnerability, Fire immunity, +100% to basic damage to Water and Ice Elementals, Casts Protection from Fire
Earth Elemental Earth Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 5 10 10 4 8 40 4 4 330 400 Gold   Elemental, Meteor Shower vulnerability, Lightning and Armageddon immunity, +100% to basic damage to Air and Storm Elementals
Magma Elemental Magma Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 5+ 11 11 6 10 40 6 4 490 500 Gold   Elemental, Meteor Shower vulnerability, Lightning and Armageddon immunity, +100% to basic damage to Air and Storm Elementals, Casts Protection from Earth
Psychic Elemental Psychic Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 6 15 13 10 20 75 7 2 1669 950 Gold   Elemental, Attacks all adjacent enemies without retaliation, -50% damage to creatures with Mind immunity
Magic Elemental Magic Elemental Town portrait Conflux small.gif 6+ 15 13 15 25 80 9 2 2012 1200 Gold   Elemental, Attacks all adjacent enemies without retaliation, Magic immunity, -50% damage to creatures with Magic immunity
Firebird Firebird Town portrait Conflux small.gif 7 18 18 30 40 150 15 1 4336 2000 Gold   Flying, Breath attack, 50% fire resistance
Phoenix Phoenix Town portrait Conflux small.gif 7+ 21 18 30 40 200 21 1 6721 3000 Gold , 1 Mercury  Flying, Breath attack, Fire immunity, Rebirth



  • Upgrade your three first level creature dwellings as soon as possible: the upgraded versions are much better than the base versions (no retaliation against sprites; storm and ice elementals are range shooters).
  • Both storm and ice elemental have a wide range of damage: 2-8 for storm elementals, 3-7 for ice elementals. It is both a curse and a blessing, literally speaking: you want to cast Bless on them but avoid having them Cursed as well.
  • Beware of Firebirds' and Phoenixes' breath attack which can damage your own troops.
  • A simple Ring of Vitality makes your pixies/sprites 33% more durable; this plus a Vial of Lifeblood doubles their durability.
  • Statistically, the conflux's higher tier units are weaker than average. However, this is compensated by their strong low tier units, which gives the conflux an advantage over the other factions in the early game.


  • Conflux has the highest growth of units of all towns. (excluding Necropolis with Necromancy).
  • All Elementalists start with one of four schools of magic as secondary skills.
  • Phoenixes are the fastest creature in the game, out-speeding all competition by a large margin, and also have a base growth of 2 (1 in 深淵號角, but with Castle and Vault of Ashes will be 3 finally which is still higher than 2 for the level 7 unit of all other towns).
  • Average speed of Conflux units are the fastest of all towns.
  • Many units unaffected by Mind spells.
  • All 4 top-level units immune to Armageddon, opening up for the Dragogeddon tactic.
  • Low level units are great for efficient map-clearing.
  • Magic University allows heroes to learn all 4 Magic secondary skills for 2000 Gold each.
  • The Aurora Borealis is the best Grail building, handing out all spells.
  • The Elementals are unaffected by bad Morale.


  • No ranged units without upgrading.
  • Pixies and Sprites have extremely low hit points.
  • Magma Elementals are the worst level 5 unit.
  • Energy Elementals are below average.
  • Many units have vulnerabilities to certain spells.
  • Cannot have Armageddon in the Mage Guild unless you have the Grail building, decreasing the possibility of Dragogeddon.
  • The Elementals are unaffected by positive Morale, and cannot be resurrected in any way.
  • Even though some town creatures can be used in Dragogeddon tactic, town creatures are still going to be easily overpowered after you use Armageddon spell if you can't retreat. So using this tactic is advised only if you have large amount of Phoenix troops.
  • The Planeswalkers only have creature specialties that don't scale with level and don't increase the speed of elementals, making for poor main heroes.
  • This town is often considered too strong and thus is banned in many multiplayer games/tournaments. In an attempt to balance Conflux in 深淵號角 the growth of Firebirds/Phoenixes was reduced from 2 to 1, but the Vault of Ashes together with a Castle allows a total growth of 3 which is still more than all other towns. Also, the gold cost of Psychic and Magic Elementals and also Firebirds and Phoenixes got increased significantly. Firebirds' fire spell immunity also got downgraded to 50% fire resistance. Finally, in HotA you are unable to get Sprites without the Mage Guild and Magic University, while Pixies are completely useless.
  • Total cost to buy all weekly troops is 28,500 gold while a Conflux town with a capital only gains 28,000 gold per week.
