link=[气系魔法 气系魔法
link=[箭术 箭术
link=[防御术 防御术
link=[炮术 炮术
link=[弹道术 弹道术
link=[外交术 外交术
link=[鹰眼术 鹰眼术
link=[土系魔法 土系魔法
link=[理财术 理财术
link=[火系魔法 火系魔法
link=[急救术 急救术
link=[智力 智力
link=[领导术 领导术
link=[学习能力 学习能力
link=[后勤学 后勤学
link=[幸运术 幸运术
link=[神秘术 神秘术
link=[航海术 航海术
link=[招魂术 招魂术
link=[进攻术 进攻术
link=[寻路术 寻路术
link=[抵抗力 抵抗力
link=[学术 学术
link=[侦察术 侦察术
link=[魔力 魔力
link=[战术 战术
link=[水系魔法 水系魔法
link=[智慧术 智慧术
link=[干扰术 干扰术 Horn of the Abyss
Basic Learning.png 初级学习能力: increases a hero's earned experience by 5%.
Advanced Learning.png 中级学习能力: increases a hero's earned experience by 10%.
Expert Learning.png 高级学习能力: increases a hero's earned experience by 15%.

Learning is a secondary skill, which increases the amount of experience a hero gains from different events. The bonus may be 5%, 10% or 15% depending on the level of the skill. For example, if a hero without Learning secondary skill receives 1000 experience points from a treasure chest, a hero with basic Learning would gain 1050 points, advanced Learning 1100 points and expert Learning 1150 points.

As can be seen from the experience table, assuming Expert Learning very early on, after level 10 the hero will be ~0.75 levels higher than other heroes without this secondary skill. Before level 10, the advantage is less.

Heroes with Learning (basic) as a starting skill:

Heroes, having 学习能力 as a specialty and a starting skill:

Chance to get

Out of total 112 for 死亡阴影, and of (112 + Interference chance) for 深渊号角 Horn of the Abyss.
Banned skills change the probability.

城镇 类型 学会几率
Town portrait Castle small.gif 城堡  骑士   4
Town portrait Castle small.gif 城堡  牧师   4
Town portrait Rampart small.gif 堡垒  巡逻兵   4
Town portrait Rampart small.gif 堡垒  德鲁伊   4
Town portrait Tower small.gif 塔楼  炼金术士  10 (highest)
Town portrait Tower small.gif 塔楼  术士   4
Town portrait Inferno small.gif 地狱  魔鬼   4
Town portrait Inferno small.gif 地狱  异教徒   4
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif 墓园  死亡骑士   4
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif 墓园  巫师   4
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif 地下城  地下领主   4
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif 地下城  妖术师   4
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 据点  野蛮人   4
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 据点  战斗法师   4
Town portrait Fortress small.gif 要塞  驯兽师   4
Town portrait Fortress small.gif 要塞  女巫   4
Town portrait Conflux small.gif 元素城  位面行者   8
Town portrait Conflux small.gif 元素城  元素使   4
Town portrait Cove small.gif 港口  船长   2 (lowest) Horn of the Abyss
Town portrait Cove small.gif 港口  领航员   4



See also: