Water Elemental and Ice Elemental

(重定向自Water Elementals
Conflux creatures
Level 1
Pixie Pixie Armageddon's Blade
Sprite Sprite Armageddon's Blade
Level 2
Air Elemental Air Elemental
Storm Elemental Storm Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 3
Water Elemental Water Elemental
Ice Elemental Ice Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 4
Fire Elemental Fire Elemental
Energy Elemental Energy Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 5
Earth Elemental Earth Elemental
Magma Elemental Magma Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 6
Psychic Elemental Psychic Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Magic Elemental Magic Elemental Armageddon's Blade
Level 7
Firebird Firebird Armageddon's Blade
Phoenix Phoenix Armageddon's Blade
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Water Elemental
Creature Water Elemental.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 8
防御力 10
杀伤力 3–7
生命值 30
速度 5
移动 陆地
体型 2
产量 6
AI价值 315
Immune to Ice Bolt and Frost Ring
Vulnerable to Armageddon, Fireball, Inferno
Ice Elemental
Creature Ice Elemental.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 8
防御力 10
杀伤力 3–7
生命值 30
速度 6
移动 陆地
体型 2
弹药 24
产量 6
AI价值 380
Ranged attack
Immune to Ice Bolt and Frost Ring
Vulnerable to Armageddon, Fireball, Inferno
Spellcaster (Protection from Water)
Water Elemental Conflux  Water Elemental (adventure map).gifElemental ConfluxIce Elemental (adventure map).gifAltar of Water

Water Elementals and Ice Elementals are the level 3 creatures of Conflux. They are recruited from the Altar of Water, or the Water Elemental Conflux and Elemental Conflux on the adventure map. Water Elementals can also be summoned by the Summon Water Elemental spell.

"Water magic animates the Water Elemental. These creatures are immune to Mind, Ice Ray and Frost Ring spells, but take double damage from... Inferno... and Fireball spells. Because their form is more solid, ice elementals have the ability to throw deadly ice tridents. Additionally, they have the ability to cast the spell Protection from Water." AB manual

Special abilities

Water and Ice Elementals are not vulnerable to Fire Wall, Land Mine and Fire Shield, although this is stated in the game manual and there is a "Vulnerable to Fire" line in the creature's information. However, they are vulnerable to Armageddon.

It should be noted, that although Ice Elementals' information states that they suffer no melee penalty, that is not true. (Horn of the Abyss Fixed in Horn of the Abyss)


Though Ice Elementals are level 3 units, the game considers them as level 4 (in creature level-based calculations and 'random monster 4' object in the map editor). (Fixed in HotA). Horn of the Abyss

Heroes with a specialty


In 埃拉西亚的光复 Restoration of Erathia Water Elementals are level 4 Neutral creatures. They are recruited from Elemental Conflux or Water Elemental Conflux.


  • Ice Elemental's level bug fixed.
  • Water Elemental (HotA) (adventure map).gif Adventure map view of Water Elemental was fixed.
  • The in-game description for both of them was updated.
  • The Elemental Conflux now increases the growth of all four basic elementals by 1.



See also: