Horn of the Abyss 仅在启用非官方扩展包「深渊号角」时可用。
Adventure Map Cove capitol (HotA).gif
Castle 城堡
Rampart 堡垒
Tower 塔楼
Inferno 地狱
Necropolis 墓园
Dungeon 地下城
Stronghold 据点
Fortress 要塞
Conflux 元素城 Armageddon's Blade
Cove 港口 Horn of the Abyss





  • Pub - Horde building which increases crew mate and seaman growth by +4 per week.
  • Roost - Horde building which increases stormbird and ayssid growth by +3 per week.
  • Grotto - Allows the guest hero to sacrifice creatures or artifacts, gaining experience.
  • Thieves' Guild - Opens 2 additional levels of information in Thieves' Guild, provides towns and garrisons information on enemy towns.
  • Shipyard - Enables town to build a boat. Can only be built if town is adjacent to water.
  • Lodestar - Grail building of Cove. Brings 5000 gold per day, multiplies the growth of creatures by 1.5 per week (rounded down). Makes any terrain native to Cove (movement without penalty, +1 to attack, defense and speed, see and ignore mines and see quicksand). Cove's siege remains on swamp.


Fully upgraded 港口
Resource Basic Upgrades All
Gold 37300 31500 91300
Wood 75 40 190
Ore 61 30 141
Crystal 7 16 37
Gem 2 11 27
Mercury 0 9 23
Sulfur 10 34 58
Troop cost/week: 29935 Gold + 4 Sulfur


市政厅 防御工事 酒馆、市场及物资仓库 魔法行会 禁用的技能
议事堂 议事堂 防御工事 堡垒 酒馆 酒馆 1级魔法行会 1级魔法行会  Curse
Cove Town Hall large.gif 内政厅 大本营 大本营 市场 市场 21级魔法行会 2级魔法行会 Death RippleBlind
议会 议会 城堡 城堡 资源仓库 资源仓库
额外提供 +1 Sulfur
3级魔法行会 3级魔法行会 Animate Dead
国会 国会 铁匠铺
4级魔法行会 4级魔法行会  Armageddon


港口 heroes
名称 类型 特长 技能 1 技能 2 魔法
Anabel Anabel Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Pirates small.gif  Pirates Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Archery  Basic Archery 
Cassiopeia Cassiopeia Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Nymphs small.gif  Nymphs Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics 
Corkes Corkes Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Offense small.gif  Offense Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Pathfinding  Basic Pathfinding 
Derek Derek Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Crew Mates small.gif  Crew Mates Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Leadership  Basic Leadership 
Elmore Elmore Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Navigation small.gif  Navigation Advanced Navigation  Advanced Navigation   
Illor Illor Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Stormbirds small.gif  Stormbirds Basic Armorer  Basic Armorer  Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics 
Jeremy Jeremy Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Cannon small.gif  Cannon Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Artillery  Basic Artillery 
Leena Leena Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Gold small.gif  Gold Basic Pathfinding  Basic Pathfinding  Basic Estates  Basic Estates 
Miriam Miriam Horn of the Abyss  Captain  Specialty Scouting small.gif  Scouting Basic Logistics  Basic Logistics  Basic Scouting  Basic Scouting 
Bidley Bidley Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)  Captain  Specialty Sea Dogs small.gif  Sea Dogs Advanced Offense  Advanced Offense   
Tark Tark Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)  Captain  Specialty Nix small.gif  Nix Basic Offense  Basic Offense  Basic Armorer  Basic Armorer 
Andal Andal Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Crystal small.gif  Crystal Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Pathfinding  Basic Pathfinding  Slow small.png Slow 
Astra Astra Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Cure small.gif  Cure Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Luck  Basic Luck  Cure small.png Cure 
Casmetra Casmetra Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Sea Witches small.gif  Sea Witches Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Water Magic  Basic Water Magic  Dispel small.png Dispel 
Dargem Dargem Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Air Shield small.gif  Air Shield Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics  Air Shield small.png Air Shield 
Eovacius Eovacius Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Clone small.gif  Clone Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Intelligence  Basic Intelligence  Clone small.png Clone 
Manfred Manfred Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Fireball small.gif  Fireball Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Fire Magic  Basic Fire Magic  Fireball small.png Fireball 
Spint Spint Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Sorcery small.gif  Sorcery Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Sorcery  Basic Sorcery  Bless small.png Bless 
Zilare Zilare Horn of the Abyss  Navigator  Specialty Forgetfulness small.gif  Forgetfulness Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom  Basic Interference  Basic Interference  Forgetfulness small.png Forgetfulness 


某些技能对于特定的英雄职业来说是不可用的,这意味着他们只能从学者女巫小屋(除非由地图制作者允许,否则不包括 link=[招魂术 招魂术link=[领导术 领导术)、先知小屋事件潘多拉之盒处获得这些技能。

港口的所有英雄都不能学习 link=[招魂术 招魂术


港口 creatures
名称  城镇 等级 - + 生命值 速度 产量 AI价值 费用  特殊技能
Nymph Nymph Town portrait Cove small.gif 1 5 2 1 2 4 6 16 57 35 Gold   Teleporting, Immune to ice
Oceanid Oceanid Town portrait Cove small.gif 1+ 6 2 1 3 4 8 16 75 45 Gold   Teleporting, Immune to ice
Crew Mate Crew Mate Town portrait Cove small.gif 2 7 4 2 4 15 5 9 155 110 Gold  
Seaman Seaman Town portrait Cove small.gif 2+ 8 6 3 4 15 6 9 174 140 Gold  
Pirate Pirate Town portrait Cove small.gif 3 8 6 3 7 15 6 7 312 225 Gold   Ranged (4 shots), No melee penalty
Corsair Corsair Town portrait Cove small.gif 3+ 10 8 3 7 15 7 7 407 275 Gold   Ranged (4 shots), No melee penalty, No enemy retaliation
Sea Dog Sea Dog Town portrait Cove small.gif 3++ 12 11 3 7 15 8 7 602 375 Gold   Ranged (12 shots), No melee penalty, No enemy retaliation, Accurate Shot
Stormbird Stormbird Town portrait Cove small.gif 4 10 8 6 9 30 9 4 502 275 Gold   Flying
Ayssid Ayssid Town portrait Cove small.gif 4+ 11 8 6 10 30 11 4 645 325 Gold   Flying, Ferocity
Sea Witch Sea Witch Town portrait Cove small.gif 5 12 7 10 14 35 6 3 790 515 Gold   Ranged (12 shots), Casts Weakness / Disrupting Ray
Sorceress Sorceress Town portrait Cove small.gif 5+ 12 9 10 16 35 7 3 852 565 Gold   Ranged (12 shots), Casts Weakness / Disrupting Ray
Nix Nix Town portrait Cove small.gif 6 13 16 18 22 80 6 2 1415 1000 Gold   Ignores 30% of enemy attack value
Nix Warrior Nix Warrior Town portrait Cove small.gif 6+ 14 17 18 22 90 7 2 2116 1300 Gold   Ignores 60% of enemy attack value
Sea Serpent Sea Serpent Town portrait Cove small.gif 7 22 16 30 55 180 9 1 3953 2200 Gold , 1 Sulfur   Poisonous
Haspid Haspid Town portrait Cove small.gif 7+ 29 20 30 55 300 12 1 7220 4000 Gold , 2 Sulfur   Poisonous, Revenge


