Template:Creature reward

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Creature reward calculation

The default amount of creature reward (if not set by the map-maker) is calculated by the same formula for Pandora's Boxes and Seer's Huts. The creatures' native town depends on a zone type where Pandora's Box or a quest artifact was generated.

Level 1 AI value 5000
Level 2 AI value 7000
Level 3 AI value 9000
Level 4 AI value 12000
Level 5 AI value 16000
Level 6 AI value 21000
Level 7 AI value 27000

First, the AI value of creature level-based total reward gets divided by the creature's AI value. The result (rounded down) gets modified by the rules:

if = 1-5 no changes
if = 6-12 rounded up to the closest even number
if = 13-50 rounded to the closest 5
if > 50 rounded to the closest 10 (5 gets up to 10)
(max 150 in 深渊号角Horn of the Abyss

E.g.: for Cerberus Cerberus it will look like: 9000÷392 = 22,95 = 22 = 20

Pandora's Box and Seer's Hut creature reward tables

Pandora's Box.gif 死亡阴影Seer's Hut 2.gif 折叠
Town Creature Lvl Value Amount

Town portrait Neutral small.gif Azure Dragon Azure Dragon 7 - 0
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Crystal Dragon Crystal Dragon 7 - 0
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Rust Dragon Rust Dragon 7 27000 1
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Faerie Dragon Faerie Dragon 7 27000 1
Town portrait Castle small.gif Archangel Archangel 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Black Dragon Black Dragon 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Gold Dragon Gold Dragon 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Tower small.gif Titan Titan 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Arch Devil Arch Devil 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Phoenix Phoenix 7+ 27000 4
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth 7+ 27000 4
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Chaos Hydra Chaos Hydra 7+ 27000 4
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Devil Devil 7 27000 5
Town portrait Castle small.gif Angel Angel 7 27000 5
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Green Dragon Green Dragon 7 27000 5
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Red Dragon Red Dragon 7 27000 5
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon 7+ 27000 5
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Firebird Firebird 7 27000 5
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Hydra Hydra 7 27000 6
Town portrait Tower small.gif Giant Giant 7 27000 8
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Bone Dragon Bone Dragon 7 27000 8
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Behemoth Behemoth 7 27000 8
Town portrait Tower small.gif Naga Queen Naga Queen 6+ 21000 8
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Dread Knight Dread Knight 6+ 21000 8
Town portrait Castle small.gif Champion Champion 6+ 21000 10
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Black Knight Black Knight 6 21000 10
Town portrait Rampart small.gif War Unicorn War Unicorn 6+ 21000 10
Town portrait Tower small.gif Naga Naga 6 21000 10
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Magic Elemental Magic Elemental 6+ 21000 10
Town portrait Castle small.gif Cavalier Cavalier 6 21000 10
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Efreet Sultan Efreet Sultan 6+ 21000 12
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Unicorn Unicorn 6 21000 12
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Efreeti Efreeti 6 21000 12
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Psychic Elemental Psychic Elemental 6 21000 12
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Scorpicore Scorpicore 6+ 21000 15
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Manticore Manticore 6 21000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Wyvern Monarch Wyvern Monarch 6+ 21000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Cyclops King Cyclops King 6+ 21000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Wyvern Wyvern 6 21000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Cyclops Cyclops 6 21000 15
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Pit Lord Pit Lord 5+ 21000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Enchanter Enchanter 6 21000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Thunderbird Thunderbird 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Power Lich Power Lich 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Minotaur King Minotaur King 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Mighty Gorgon Mighty Gorgon 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Roc Roc 5 16000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Troll Troll 5 16000 15
Town portrait Tower small.gif Master Genie Master Genie 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Gorgon Gorgon 5 16000 15
Town portrait Tower small.gif Genie Genie 5 16000 20
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Lich Lich 5 16000 20
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Minotaur Minotaur 5 16000 20
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier 5+ 16000 20
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Vampire Lord Vampire Lord 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Diamond Golem Diamond Golem 6 21000 25
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Pit Fiend Pit Fiend 5 16000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Zealot Zealot 5+ 16000 20
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Greater Basilisk Greater Basilisk 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Tower small.gif Arch Mage Arch Mage 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Ogre Mage Ogre Mage 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Gold Golem Gold Golem 5 16000 25
Town portrait Castle small.gif Crusader Crusader 4+ 12000 20
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Sharpshooter Sharpshooter 4 12000 20
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Medusa Queen Medusa Queen 4+ 12000 20
Town portrait Tower small.gif Mage Mage 4 12000 20
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Vampire Vampire 4 12000 20
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Basilisk Basilisk 4 12000 20
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus 4+ 12000 20
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Pegasus Pegasus 4 12000 25
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard 5 16000 30
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Medusa Medusa 4 12000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Magma Elemental Magma Elemental 3* 9000 20
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Storm Elemental Storm Elemental 2+ 7000 15
Town portrait Castle small.gif Monk Monk 5 16000 30
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Horned Demon Horned Demon 4+ 12000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Energy Elemental Energy Elemental 5* 16000 35
Town portrait Castle small.gif Royal Griffin Royal Griffin 3+ 9000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Swordsman Swordsman 4 12000 25
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Demon Demon 4 12000 25
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Ogre Ogre 4 12000 30
Town portrait Tower small.gif Iron Golem Iron Golem 3+ 9000 20
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Cerberus Cerberus 3+ 9000 20
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Ice Elemental Ice Elemental 4* 12000 30
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Evil Eye Evil Eye 3+ 9000 25
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Hell Hound Hell Hound 3 9000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Air Elemental Air Elemental 2 9000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Griffin Griffin 3 9000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Fire Elemental Fire Elemental 4 12000 35
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Nomad Nomad 3 9000 25
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Beholder Beholder 3 9000 25
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Grand Elf Grand Elf 3+ 9000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Earth Elemental Earth Elemental 5 16000 50
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Wraith Wraith 3+ 9000 30
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Water Elemental Water Elemental 3 9000 30
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Dragon Fly Dragon Fly 3+ 9000 35
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Mummy Mummy 3 9000 35
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Serpent Fly Serpent Fly 3 9000 35
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Wight Wight 3 9000 35
Town portrait Tower small.gif Stone Golem Stone Golem 3 9000 35
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Magog Magog 2+ 7000 30
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain 3+ 9000 35
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Harpy Hag Harpy Hag 2+ 7000 30
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Wood Elf Wood Elf 3 9000 40
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf 2+ 7000 35
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Wolf Raider Wolf Raider 2+ 7000 35
Town portrait Tower small.gif Obsidian Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle 2+ 7000 35
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Orc Orc 3 9000 45
Town portrait Castle small.gif Marksman Marksman 2+ 7000 40
Town portrait Tower small.gif Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle 2 7000 40
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Gog Gog 2 7000 45
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Lizard Warrior Lizard Warrior 2+ 7000 45
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Harpy Harpy 2 7000 45
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Boar Boar 2 7000 50
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Dwarf Dwarf 2 7000 50
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Centaur Captain Centaur Captain 1+ 5000 35
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Rogue Rogue 2 7000 50
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Wolf Rider Wolf Rider 2 7000 50
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Zombie Zombie 2+ 7000 50
Town portrait Castle small.gif Archer Archer 2 7000 60
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Lizardman Lizardman 2 7000 60
Town portrait Castle small.gif Halberdier Halberdier 1+ 5000 45
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Centaur Centaur 1 5000 50
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Walking Dead Walking Dead 2 7000 70
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Sprite Sprite 1+ 5000 50
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Gnoll Marauder Gnoll Marauder 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Infernal Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Castle small.gif Pikeman Pikeman 1 5000 60
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Hobgoblin Hobgoblin 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Halfling Halfling 1 5000 70
Town portrait Tower small.gif Master Gremlin Master Gremlin 1+ 5000 80
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Familiar Familiar 1+ 5000 80
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Goblin Goblin 1 5000 80
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Skeleton Skeleton 1 5000 80
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Troglodyte Troglodyte 1 5000 80
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Gnoll Gnoll 1 5000 90
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Pixie Pixie 1 5000 90
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Imp Imp 1 5000 100
Town portrait Tower small.gif Gremlin Gremlin 1 5000 110
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Peasant Peasant 1 5000 330
Pandora's Box.gif 深渊号角Seer's Hut 5 (HotA).gif 折叠
Town Creature Lvl Value Amount

Town portrait Neutral small.gif Azure Dragon Azure Dragon 7 - 0
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Crystal Dragon Crystal Dragon 7 - 0
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Faerie Dragon Faerie Dragon 7 - 0
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Rust Dragon Rust Dragon 7 27000 1
Town portrait Castle small.gif Archangel Archangel 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Black Dragon Black Dragon 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Gold Dragon Gold Dragon 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Tower small.gif Titan Titan 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Cove small.gif Haspid Haspid 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Arch Devil Arch Devil 7+ 27000 3
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Phoenix Phoenix 7+ 27000 4
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth 7+ 27000 4
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Chaos Hydra Chaos Hydra 7+ 27000 4
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Devil Devil 7 27000 5
Town portrait Castle small.gif Angel Angel 7 27000 5
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Green Dragon Green Dragon 7 27000 5
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Red Dragon Red Dragon 7 27000 5
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon 7+ 27000 5
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Firebird Firebird 7 27000 6
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Hydra Hydra 7 27000 6
Town portrait Cove small.gif Sea Serpent Sea Serpent 7 27000 6
Town portrait Tower small.gif Giant Giant 7 27000 8
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Bone Dragon Bone Dragon 7 27000 8
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Behemoth Behemoth 7 27000 8
Town portrait Tower small.gif Naga Queen Naga Queen 6+ 21000 8
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Dread Knight Dread Knight 6+ 21000 8
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Efreet Sultan Efreet Sultan 6+ 21000 8
Town portrait Cove small.gif Nix Warrior Nix Warrior 6+ 21000 10
Town portrait Castle small.gif Champion Champion 6+ 21000 10
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Black Knight Black Knight 6 21000 10
Town portrait Rampart small.gif War Unicorn War Unicorn 6+ 21000 10
Town portrait Tower small.gif Naga Naga 6 21000 10
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Magic Elemental Magic Elemental 6+ 21000 10
Town portrait Castle small.gif Cavalier Cavalier 6 21000 10
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Unicorn Unicorn 6 21000 12
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Efreeti Efreeti 6 21000 12
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Psychic Elemental Psychic Elemental 6 21000 12
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Scorpicore Scorpicore 6+ 21000 15
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Manticore Manticore 6 21000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Wyvern Monarch Wyvern Monarch 6+ 21000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Cyclops King Cyclops King 6+ 21000 15
Town portrait Cove small.gif Nix Nix 6 21000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Wyvern Wyvern 6 21000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Cyclops Cyclops 6 21000 15
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Pit Lord Pit Lord 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Enchanter Enchanter 6 21000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Thunderbird Thunderbird 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Power Lich Power Lich 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Minotaur King Minotaur King 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Mighty Gorgon Mighty Gorgon 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Roc Roc 5 16000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Troll Troll 5 16000 15
Town portrait Tower small.gif Master Genie Master Genie 5+ 16000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Fangarm Fangarm 5 16000 15
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Gorgon Gorgon 5 16000 15
Town portrait Tower small.gif Genie Genie 5 16000 20
Town portrait Cove small.gif Sorceress Sorceress 5+ 16000 20
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Lich Lich 5 16000 20
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Minotaur Minotaur 5 16000 20
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier 5+ 16000 20
Town portrait Cove small.gif Sea Witch Sea Witch 5 16000 20
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Vampire Lord Vampire Lord 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Diamond Golem Diamond Golem 6 21000 25
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Pit Fiend Pit Fiend 5 16000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Zealot Zealot 5+ 16000 20
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Greater Basilisk Greater Basilisk 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Tower small.gif Arch Mage Arch Mage 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Ogre Mage Ogre Mage 4+ 12000 15
Town portrait Cove small.gif Ayssid Ayssid 4+ 12000 20
Town portrait Cove small.gif Sea Dog Sea Dog 3++ 9000 15
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Gold Golem Gold Golem 5 16000 25
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Steel Golem Steel Golem 4 12000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Crusader Crusader 4+ 12000 20
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Sharpshooter Sharpshooter 4 12000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Monk Monk 5 16000 25
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Medusa Queen Medusa Queen 4+ 12000 20
Town portrait Tower small.gif Mage Mage 4 12000 20
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Vampire Vampire 4 12000 20
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Basilisk Basilisk 4 12000 20
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus 4+ 12000 20
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Pegasus Pegasus 4 12000 25
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Satyr Satyr 4 12000 25
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard 5 16000 30
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Medusa Medusa 4 12000 25
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Stormbird Stormbird 4 12000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Magma Elemental Magma Elemental 5+ 16000 30
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Storm Elemental Storm Elemental 2+ 7000 15
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Horned Demon Horned Demon 4+ 12000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Energy Elemental Energy Elemental 4+ 12000 25
Town portrait Castle small.gif Royal Griffin Royal Griffin 3+ 9000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Swordsman Swordsman 4 12000 25
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Demon Demon 4 12000 25
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Ogre Ogre 4 12000 30
Town portrait Tower small.gif Iron Golem Iron Golem 3+ 9000 20
Town portrait Cove small.gif Corsair Corsair 3+ 9000 20
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Cerberus Cerberus 3+ 9000 20
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Ice Elemental Ice Elemental 3+ 9000 25
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Evil Eye Evil Eye 3+ 9000 25
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Hell Hound Hell Hound 3 9000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Air Elemental Air Elemental 2 7000 20
Town portrait Castle small.gif Griffin Griffin 3 9000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Fire Elemental Fire Elemental 4 12000 35
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Nomad Nomad 3 9000 25
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Beholder Beholder 3 9000 25
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Grand Elf Grand Elf 3+ 9000 25
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Earth Elemental Earth Elemental 5 16000 50
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Wraith Wraith 3+ 9000 30
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Water Elemental Water Elemental 3 9000 30
Town portrait Cove small.gif Pirate Pirate 3 9000 30
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Dragon Fly Dragon Fly 3+ 9000 30
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Mummy Mummy 3 9000 35
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Serpent Fly Serpent Fly 3 9000 35
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Wight Wight 3 9000 35
Town portrait Tower small.gif Stone Golem Stone Golem 3 9000 35
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Magog Magog 2+ 7000 30
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain 3+ 9000 35
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Harpy Hag Harpy Hag 2+ 7000 30
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Wood Elf Wood Elf 3 9000 40
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf 2+ 7000 35
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Leprechaun Leprechaun 2 7000 35
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Wolf Raider Wolf Raider 2+ 7000 35
Town portrait Tower small.gif Obsidian Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle 2+ 7000 35
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Orc Orc 3 9000 45
Town portrait Castle small.gif Marksman Marksman 2+ 7000 40
Town portrait Cove small.gif Seaman Seaman 2+ 7000 40
Town portrait Tower small.gif Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle 2 7000 40
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Gog Gog 2 7000 45
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Lizard Warrior Lizard Warrior 2+ 7000 45
Town portrait Cove small.gif Crew Mate Crew Mate 2 7000 45
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Harpy Harpy 2 7000 45
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Boar Boar 2 7000 50
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Centaur Captain Centaur Captain 1+ 5000 35
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Dwarf Dwarf 2 7000 50
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Rogue Rogue 2 7000 50
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Wolf Rider Wolf Rider 2 7000 50
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Zombie Zombie 2+ 7000 50
Town portrait Castle small.gif Archer Archer 2 7000 60
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Lizardman Lizardman 2 7000 60
Town portrait Castle small.gif Halberdier Halberdier 1+ 5000 45
Town portrait Rampart small.gif Centaur Centaur 1 5000 50
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Walking Dead Walking Dead 2 7000 70
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Sprite Sprite 1+ 5000 50
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Gnoll Marauder Gnoll Marauder 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Infernal Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Castle small.gif Pikeman Pikeman 1 5000 60
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Hobgoblin Hobgoblin 1+ 5000 60
Town portrait Cove small.gif Oceanid Oceanid 1+ 5000 70
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Halfling Halfling 1 5000 70
Town portrait Tower small.gif Master Gremlin Master Gremlin 1+ 5000 80
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Familiar Familiar 1+ 5000 80
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif Skeleton Skeleton 1 5000 80
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif Goblin Goblin 1 5000 80
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif Troglodyte Troglodyte 1 5000 80
Town portrait Cove small.gif Nymph Nymph 1 5000 90
Town portrait Fortress small.gif Gnoll Gnoll 1 5000 90
Town portrait Conflux small.gif Pixie Pixie 1 5000 90
Town portrait Inferno small.gif Imp Imp 1 5000 100
Town portrait Tower small.gif Gremlin Gremlin 1 5000 110
Town portrait Neutral small.gif Peasant Peasant 1 5000 150