
Castle creatures
Level 1
Pikeman Pikeman
Halberdier Halberdier
Level 2
Archer Archer
Marksman Marksman
Level 3
Griffin Griffin
Royal Griffin Royal Griffin
Level 4
Swordsman Swordsman
Crusader Crusader
Level 5
Monk Monk
Zealot Zealot
Level 6
Cavalier Cavalier
Champion Champion
Level 7
Angel Angel
Archangel Archangel
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Pikeman.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 4
防御力 5
杀伤力 1–3
生命值 10
速度 4
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 14
AI价值 80
• Immune to jousting
Creature Halberdier.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 6
防御力 5
杀伤力 2–3
生命值 10
速度 5
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 14
AI价值 115
• Immune to jousting
Guardhouse  Pikeman (adventure map).gifHalberdier (adventure map).gif

Pikemen and Halberdiers are the level 1 creatures of Castle. They can be recruited from the Guardhouse.

"Pikemen and halberdiers are among the strongest basic foot soldiers available to any army. While somewhat slow, they have respectable combat ratings." RoE manual

Special ability

Although not mentioned in the game or manual, both Pikemen and Halberdiers are immune to Cavaliers' and Champions' jousting ability. This means they suffer damage from Cavaliers or Champions normally, but do not receive the additional damage from jousting bonus (thus, the distance of Cavaliers and Champions attack doesn't matter).

In 深渊号角, the ability is present in the unit's description. Horn of the Abyss



Pikeman portrait.gif ArrowL-R.gif Pikeman portrait (HotA).gif  Pikeman (HotA) (adventure map).gif  Creature Pikeman (HotA).gif

Halberdier portrait.gif ArrowL-R.gif Halberdier portrait (HotA).gif  Halberdier (HotA) (adventure map).gif  Creature Halberdier (HotA).gif



See also: