• Jousting bonus
• Jousting bonus
Cavaliers and Champions are the level 6 creatures of Castle. They are recruited from the Training Grounds.
"The horse-mounted cavalier and champion deal extra impact damage (+5% per hex traveled to creature attacked) when charging into battle." RoE manual
Cavaliers are upgraded to Champions for free when the hero visits Stables found on the Adventure Map.
Special ability
Moving before the attack will increase their damage by 5% for each hex. This ability has no cap, meaning the higher their Speed and traveled distance before attacking is, the higher their attack damage becomes. Obviously they don't benefit from this ability when counterattacking, and their optimal attack conditions require them to move the longest distance possible.
Pikemen and Halberdiers are immune to this jousting bonus, which means they only suffer the base damage from Cavaliers and Champions. When fighting them, it makes no difference whether your Champions move 9 hexes before attacking or none at all.
Heroes with a specialty
Tyris the Knight has cavaliers as a specialty, which increases the attack and defense skills of any cavaliers or champions for each level attained after 6th level, and gives them a speed bonus of 1.
See also: