Lich and Power Lich

Necropolis creatures
Level 1
Skeleton Skeleton
Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior
Level 2
Walking Dead Walking Dead
Zombie Zombie
Level 3
Wight Wight
Wraith Wraith
Level 4
Vampire Vampire
Vampire Lord Vampire Lord
Level 5
Lich Lich
Power Lich Power Lich
Level 6
Black Knight Black Knight
Dread Knight Dread Knight
Level 7
Bone Dragon Bone Dragon
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Lich.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 13
防御力 10
杀伤力 11–13
生命值 30
速度 6
移动 陆地
体型 1
弹药 12
产量 3
AI价值 848
Ranged attack
Death cloud
Power Lich
Creature Power Lich.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 13
防御力 10
杀伤力 11–15
生命值 40
速度 7
移动 陆地
体型 1
弹药 24
产量 3
AI价值 1079
Ranged attack
Death cloud
Mausoleum  Lich (adventure map).gifPower Lich (adventure map).gif

Liches and Power Liches are the level 5 creatures of Necropolis. They are recruited from the Mausoleum, and can also be raised with Expert Necromancy if the hero has equipped the Cloak of the Undead King.

"Liches attack at range with a death cloud, which always causes damage in the target hex but also attacks all non-undead creatures in adjacent hexes. At close range, they defend themselves less efficiently with blows from their scepters." RoE manual

Special ability death cloud

Liches' death cloud special ability only works when they attack at range. In addition to normal ranged attack damage in target hex, the death cloud also causes a "puff of death" that affects all 6 adjacent hexes around the target hex dealing damage to all living creatures in the radius. The damage is caused equally to allied and enemy creatures, and the amount is calculated individually for all affected creatures. Two hexes wide creatures do not suffer additional damage if both of their hexes are affected. Although Liches also defend Necropolis towns in arrow towers, their attacks follow the arrow tower calculations, and do not apply the death cloud effect.

Creatures immune to death cloud:

Elementals: Golems: Undead:


It should be noted, that the immunity only concerns the cloud causing damage to adjacent hexes. It does not protect creatures from liches' normal ranged attack damage.

Heroes with a specialty

  • Moandor Moandor the Death Knight has liches as a specialty, which increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Liches or Power Liches for each level attained after 5th level and gives them a speed bonus of 1.


Liches and Power Liches can shoot death cloud at any hex of the battlefield except for its own hex and adjacent ones (unless Bow of the Sharpshooter is present). Targeting dialogue is called by pressing G.



See also: