
link=[氣系魔法 氣系魔法
link=[箭術 箭術
link=[防禦術 防禦術
link=[炮術 炮術
link=[彈道術 彈道術
link=[外交術 外交術
link=[鷹眼術 鷹眼術
link=[土系魔法 土系魔法
link=[理財術 理財術
link=[火系魔法 火系魔法
link=[急救術 急救術
link=[智力 智力
link=[領導術 領導術
link=[學習能力 學習能力
link=[後勤學 後勤學
link=[幸運術 幸運術
link=[神秘術 神秘術
link=[航海術 航海術
link=[招魂術 招魂術
link=[進攻術 進攻術
link=[尋路術 尋路術
link=[抵抗力 抵抗力
link=[學術 學術
link=[偵察術 偵察術
link=[魔力 魔力
link=[戰術 戰術
link=[水系魔法 水系魔法
link=[智慧術 智慧術
link=[干擾術 干擾術 Horn of the Abyss
Basic Logistics.png 初級後勤學: 可使英雄在陸地上的移動點數增加10%。
深淵號角中為5%) Horn of the Abyss
Advanced Logistics.png 中級後勤學: 可使英雄在陸地上的移動點數增加20%。
深淵號角中為10%) Horn of the Abyss
Expert Logistics.png 高級後勤學: 可使英雄在陸地上的移動點數增加30%。
深淵號角中為20%) Horn of the Abyss

Logistics is a secondary skill that increases the hero's movement points over land.

Heroes with Logistics (basic) as a starting skill:

Heroes, having 後勤學 as a specialty and a starting skill (basic):

Bonus depends on the secondary skill and is calculated by the formula: [Logistics Bonus] * [Hero level] * 1.05. That is 5% (relative, not absolute) to Logistics for the level, not 5% of the total MP.

Example: Hero with 11+ monster speed will have 2000 movement points. With expert logistics, hero will have 2600 movement points. Level 20 Dessa/Kyrre/Gunnar will have 30%+(30%*0,05)*20=60% additional movement points, meaning 3200.

Artifacts with similar ablility:


In Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss, the skill percentages are decreased to 5%, 10%, and 20%.

Chance to get

Out of total 112 for 死亡陰影, and of (112 + Interference chance) for 深淵號角 Horn of the Abyss.
Banned skills change the probability.

城鎮 類型 學會幾率
Town portrait Castle small.gif 城堡  騎士   5
Town portrait Castle small.gif 城堡  牧師   4
Town portrait Rampart small.gif 堡壘  巡邏兵   5
Town portrait Rampart small.gif 堡壘  德魯伊   5
Town portrait Tower small.gif 塔樓  鍊金術士   6
Town portrait Tower small.gif 塔樓  術士   2 (lowest)
Town portrait Inferno small.gif 地獄  魔鬼  10 (highest)
Town portrait Inferno small.gif 地獄  異教徒   3
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif 墓園  死亡騎士   5
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif 墓園  巫師   4
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif 地下城  地下領主   8
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif 地下城  妖術師   2 (lowest)
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 據點  野蠻人   7
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 據點  戰鬥法師   9
Town portrait Fortress small.gif 要塞  馴獸師   8
Town portrait Fortress small.gif 要塞  女巫   3
Town portrait Conflux small.gif 元素城  位面行者   8
Town portrait Conflux small.gif 元素城  元素使   2 (lowest)
Town portrait Cove small.gif 港口  船長   6
Town portrait Cove small.gif 港口  領航員   3



Logistics is an important secondary skill, as it allows a hero to move on an adventure map really fast. Slow troops won't be that big obstacle, and your army won't be restricted to fast units, since they are not always strong and resilient unlike slower ones (e.g. in Rampart, Dwarves and Dendroids are more durable than Elves and Pegasi, in terms of their level). For a supporting hero, Logistics is necessary, because it makes easier collecting units summoned from external dwellings, collecting resources (e.g from Windmills), and reaching keypoints of a map. Reaching further with hero chains, picking up more resources, revealing more fog of war, and taking more fights with your army(/ies) are all very valuable.

See also: