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Combination Artifacts - When all artifacts are equipped they 'vanish' and are
replaced by a single artifact representative of all of the combined ones.
However, the slots previously held do not become available for new artifacts.
In addition to the abilities of the combination artifacts, heroes continue to
receive all of the bonuses from the individual artifacts
Once you have found all of the pieces required to assemble a combination
artifact, you will automatically be prompted to build it. You can manually
assemble or disassemble a combination artifact by right-clicking on any
individual artifact or the combination artifact. All artifacts must be equipped
to assemble or disassemble.
Artifacts Needed
Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment
Celestial Necklace of Bliss
Sword of Judgment
Armor of Wonder
Sandals of the Saint
Lion's Shield of Courage
Allows Rampart, Tower,
Fortress, Stronghold and Castle
creatures to be mixed without a
morale penalty, for the player.
Casts Expert Prayer at the start
of combat.
Cloak of the
Undead King
Amulet of the Undertaker
Vampire's Cowl
Dead Man's Boots
30% of battlefield dead are
resurrected as Skeletons. If hero
already has the Necromancy skill
then the percentages are added
to the skill and the level of skill
determines what type is
Basic: Zombies
Advanced: Wights
Expert: Liches
Elixir of Life
Ring of Life
Vial of Life Blood
Ring of Vitality
All creatures get a 25% health
bonus and gain the regeneration
ability. Does not work on Undead
or non-living creatures
Armor of the
Skull Helmet
Blackshard of the Dead Knight
Rib Cage
Shield of the Yawning Dead
All opponents have these spells
effective on them for fifty turns:
Slow, Disrupting Ray, Curse,
Weakness, and Misfortune.