輔助技能 |
氣系魔法 |
箭術 |
防禦術 |
炮術 |
彈道術 |
外交術 |
鷹眼術 |
土系魔法 |
理財術 |
火系魔法 |
急救術 |
智力 |
領導術 |
學習能力 |
後勤學 |
幸運術 |
神秘術 |
航海術 |
招魂術 |
進攻術 |
尋路術 |
抵抗力 |
學術 |
偵察術 |
魔力 |
戰術 |
水系魔法 |
智慧術 |
干擾術 |
招魂術 | ||
初級招魂術: 可使英雄將10%在戰鬥中死亡的生物變成骷髏兵。 (深淵號角中為5%) | ||
中級招魂術: 可使英雄將20%在戰鬥中死亡的生物變成骷髏兵。 (深淵號角中為10%) | ||
高級招魂術: 可使英雄將30%在戰鬥中死亡的生物變成骷髏兵。 (深淵號角中為15%) |
Necromancy is a secondary skill that enables the hero to raise killed enemy creatures as Skeletons (or Skeleton Warriors). All Death Knights and Necromancers start with basic Necromancy skill, except Isra the Death Knight and Vidomina the Necromancer, who both start with advanced Necromancy. Other hero classes cannot learn Necromancy, but they can acquire it from Scholars, Pandora's Boxes, Seer's Huts, Events or Witch Huts (unavailable by default).
Bug: AI heroes always raise exactly 1 Skeleton (or Lich), even if it should've raise 100% of the creatures slain. In 深淵號角 , this bug was fixed but another bug appeared: AI somehow raises more Skeletons than it should be.
Heroes with Necromancy as a starting skill:
- All Death Knights
- All Necromancers
Heroes with a specialty in Necromancy:
Skill affecting factors:
- Amulet of the Undertaker – artifact increases Necromancy skill +5 %. (2,5 % in HotA)
- Vampire's Cowl – artifact increases Necromancy skill +10 %. (5 % in HotA)
- Dead Man's Boots – artifact increases Necromancy skill +15 %. (7,5 % in HotA)
- Necromancy Amplifier – structure increases Necromancy skill +10 %. (bonus stacks if you have multiple towns with this building) (5 % in HotA)
- Soul prison – Necropolis grail structure, which increases Necromancy skill +20 % (bonus stacks if you have multiple towns with this building via Map Editor)
Additionally, with Cloak of the Undead King, it is possible to raise other undead creatures instead of Skeletons. However, the cloak does not affect the skill percentages.
In 深淵號角, the skill percentages are decreased to 5%, 10% and 15%.
How it works
All killed enemy creatures can be raised as skeletons. This includes sacrificed creatures, cloned creatures, summoned elementals and even war machines. If the victorious hero's army has no empty slots available and no Skeletons, but includes Skeleton Warriors, the killed enemy creatures will be raised as Skeleton Warriors, but only 66.6% compared to Skeletons. If there are no available slots and no skeletons (either kind) in the army, none of the killed enemy creatures are raised.
The number of skeletons brought back at the end of the combat depends on three main factors:
- Number of creatures in killed stacks
- Amount of health of killed stacks
- Level of Necromancy skill
First, the total number of raised Skeletons can never exceed the number of creatures slain in combat. Second, the total health of raised Skeletons can never exceed the total health of killed creatures. Third, the level of Necromancy skill used in calculations can never be more than 100%, although it is technically possible for a hero to have Necromancy skill above 100%. These rules in 死亡陰影 are applied to every killed stack individually (in 深淵號角 the amount of creatures raised is calculated by the overall number of killed creatures), and always rounded towards 1.
The health of the enemy creature killed affects the efficiency that it is revived as per table:
1 hp = 16.6% efficiency
2 hp = 33.3%
3 hp = 50% efficiency
4 hp = 66.6% efficiency
5 hp = 83.3% efficiency
6 hp or higher = 100% efficiency
So a hero with 50% necromancy, who killed 100 creatures with 6 hp or higher, will obtain 50 skeletons, whereas if he were to kill 100 peasants (who have only 1 hp), only 8 skeletons would be obtained. This can be also interpreted as the hero being able to revive only 50 HP total (8 skeletons have 48 HP).
Additionally, with Cloak of the Undead King, the same rules apply to Walking Dead, Wights and Liches. As they have more health, less is raised. And if a hero only has upgraded versions in the army and no free slots, the "two thirds rule" is applied (the health difference between basic and upgraded creatures does not play any role in this case).
Chance to get
Out of total 112 for 死亡陰影, and of (112 + Interference chance) for 深淵號角 .
Banned skills change the probability.
城鎮 | 類型 | 學會幾率 |
城堡 | 騎士 | 0 |
城堡 | 牧師 | 0 |
堡壘 | 巡邏兵 | 0 |
堡壘 | 德魯伊 | 0 |
塔樓 | 鍊金術士 | 0 |
塔樓 | 術士 | 0 |
地獄 | 魔鬼 | 0 |
地獄 | 異教徒 | 0 |
墓園 | 死亡騎士 | 10 |
墓園 | 巫師 | 10 |
地下城 | 地下領主 | 0 |
地下城 | 妖術師 | 0 |
據點 | 野蠻人 | 0 |
據點 | 戰鬥法師 | 0 |
要塞 | 馴獸師 | 0 |
要塞 | 女巫 | 0 |
元素城 | 位面行者 | 0 |
元素城 | 元素使 | 0 |
港口 | 船長 | 0 |
港口 | 領航員 | 0 |
See also:
- How does the necromancy skill work exactly? Heroes Community thread started by angelito.
- Secondary skills