Yog (Birth of a Barbarian)

Crag Hack Crag Hack
Gretchin Gretchin
Gurnisson Gurnisson
Jabarkas Jabarkas
Krellion Krellion
Shiva Shiva
Tyraxor Tyraxor
Yog Yog
Boragus Boragus Armageddon's Blade
Kilgor Kilgor Armageddon's Blade
Battle Mages
Dessa Dessa
Gird Gird
Gundula Gundula
Oris Oris
Saurug Saurug
Terek Terek
Vey Vey
Zubin Zubin
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Yog (Birth of a Barbarian)(Yog) - 术士
Yog (Birth of a Barbarian) 类型: 术士
性别: 男性
种族: Human/Genie
英雄特长 Chain Lightning
Specialty Chain Lightning Casts Chain Lightning with increased effect, based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit.
Attack 0 Defense 0 Spell Power 2 Knowledge 3
Basic Tactics  Basic Tactics
Basic Offense  Basic Offense
Gremlin Gremlin 总是拥有
Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle 88%
Stone Golem Stone Golem 25%
初始兵力 Horn of the Abyss
Gremlin Gremlin Always
Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle Always
Stone Golem Stone Golem Always
最小值 最大值 深渊号角 Horn of the Abyss

Yog (Birth of a Barbarian) - 术士是一位来自据点英雄

In the Shadow of Death campaign "Birth of a Barbarian", Yog is presented as a Wizard. However, his starting primary skills (Attack 2, Defense 2, Spell Power 1, Knowledge 1) correspond instead to those of a Knight. He has starting secondary skills of Basic Tactics and Basic Offense.

His specialty, interestingly, is Chain Lightning (same as Solmyr), but he cannot ever acquire a spell book (entering a Mage Guild while he is a visiting Hero results in a messagebox telling "Yog has given up magic in all its forms. His knowledge of battle and tactics will have to be enough to get him through the rest of his life."), therefore he cannot make use of that specialty.

See also: