Clancy Clancy
Ivor Ivor
Jenova Jenova
Kyrre Kyrre
Mephala Mephala
Ryland Ryland
Thorgrim Thorgrim
Ufretin Ufretin
Gelu Gelu Armageddon's Blade
Giselle Giselle Horn of the Abyss
Aeris Aeris
Alagar Alagar
Coronius Coronius
Elleshar Elleshar
Gem Gem
Malcom Malcom
Melodia Melodia
Uland Uland
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Kyrre(Kyrre) - 巡邏兵
Kyrre 類型: 巡邏兵
性別: 女性
種族: Elf
英雄特長 Logistics
Specialty Logistics Receives a 5% per level bonus to Logistics skill percentage.
Attack 1 Defense 3 Spell Power 1 Knowledge 1
Basic Logistics  Basic Logistics
Basic Archery  Basic Archery
Centaur Centaur 12–24 總是擁有
Dwarf Dwarf 3–5 88%
Wood Elf Wood Elf 3–6 25%
初始兵力 Horn of the Abyss
Centaur Centaur 12–24 Always
Dwarf Dwarf 3–5 Always
Wood Elf Wood Elf 2-4 Always
最小值 最大值 深淵號角 Horn of the Abyss
1657 1878 1578

Kyrre - 巡邏兵是一位來自堡壘英雄

Kyrre is one of three heroes with Logistics as a specialty, the other two being Dessa and Gunnar.

Note that the Logistics specialty bonus is affecting the Logistics secondary skill bonus, not the total amount of MP. So the bonus only applies if the hero has the logistics skill (which Dessa/Kyrre/Gunnar already have unless edited out through map editor).

Example: Hero with 11+ monster speed will have 2000 movement points. With expert logistics, hero will have 2600 (2400 in 深淵號角) movement points. Level 20 Dessa/Kyrre/Gunnar will have 30%+(30%*0.05)*20=60% (20%+(20%*0.05)*20=40% in 深淵號角) additional movement points, meaning 3200 (2800 in 深淵號角).



See also: