- 新的城鎮
- 新的地形
- 新的生物
- 港口
Pirates can be upgraded twice, similar to Green Dragons in Heroes II.
- Factory (upcoming)
Factory has access to two tier 7 creatures, both of which can be built in the same town.
- 輔助技能
- Balance changes to Estates, Intelligence, Logistics, Mysticism, Necromancy, and Scouting.
- Resistance is disabled by default.
- New skill: Interference.
- New campaigns
- 新的英雄
- Cove heroes - the Captain (might) and Navigator (magic)
- Factory heroes - the Mercenary (might) and Artificer (magic) (upcoming)
Beatrice the Knight
Giselle the Ranger
Ranloo the Death Knight
Kinkeria the Witch
- Heroes with Navigation specialty are disabled on maps without water and replaced with new heroes.
- Galthran, Sir Mullich, and Thorgrim are disabled by default.
- Lord Haart has been re-enabled by default. The Death Knight version has been renamed Haart Lich.
- 雜項
- 新增了數十個新的地圖對象(地圖上可訪問的事物)。
- 新增了幾個新的寶物。
- 現在元素城的本土地形改變為高地。
- 現在野外的生物巢穴現在只要它們被占領,就可以持續累積生物數量。
- 半身人從中立派系變為工廠派系(即將推出)。
- 對城鎮平衡進行了各種變化(從建築樹到各建築費用等)。
- 新增了法術研究機制。
- 新增了元素成派系建築:灰燼拱頂。
- 新增了戰爭機器:加農炮。
- 新增了快捷鍵。
- 修復了許多錯誤並改進了圖形。
- 與Heroes 3 HD完全兼容。
- 新增了Template Editor。
- Cove
- Factory
- List of heroes (HotA)
- List of creatures (HotA)
- List of artifacts (HotA)
- List of maps (HotA)
- Horn of the Abyss (Changelog)
- Horn of the Abyss (Documentation)
- Factory
- Factory
- Factory Demo trailer
- Factory Demo townscreen
- Wasteland soundtrack by Docent Picolan
- Wasteland stroll
- Wasteland 3D-art by Wit Olszewski
- Kastore's Cabin
- Couatl Evolution
- Couatl in the Jungle
- Factory: the Rally
- English links
- Russian links
- Polish links