Crag Hack Crag Hack
Gretchin Gretchin
Gurnisson Gurnisson
Jabarkas Jabarkas
Krellion Krellion
Shiva Shiva
Tyraxor Tyraxor
Yog Yog
Boragus Boragus Armageddon's Blade
Kilgor Kilgor Armageddon's Blade
Battle Mages
Dessa Dessa
Gird Gird
Gundula Gundula
Oris Oris
Saurug Saurug
Terek Terek
Vey Vey
Zubin Zubin
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Crag Hack(Crag Hack) - 野蠻人
Crag Hack 類型: 野蠻人
性別: 男性
種族: Human

A decorated hero in Enroth, Crag Hack became bored with his home, deciding to seek out a new life in Erathia. He boldly set sail for this new frontier, and was delighted to find a land in turmoil where his skills could be best put to use.

英雄特長 Offense
Specialty Offense Receives a 5% per level bonus to Offense skill percentage.
Attack 4 Defense 0 Spell Power 1 Knowledge 1
Advanced Offense  Advanced Offense
Goblin Goblin 15–25 總是擁有
Wolf Rider Wolf Rider 5–7 88%(總是擁有 Horn of the Abyss
Orc Orc 4–6 25%(總是擁有 Horn of the Abyss
最小值 最大值 深淵號角 Horn of the Abyss
1560 1630 1560

Crag Hack - 野蠻人是一位來自據點英雄

"Crag Hack was an easygoing man, with a passion for combat, wine and lots of women. He made me smile and forget my own troubles for a while." - Yog's letter to the Wizards of Bracada SoD manual

Crag Hack is recognizable in several Heroes of Might and Magic games, and in 死亡陰影 campaigns where he plays a prominent role.



As a Barbarian, Crag Hack typically has an excellent Attack skill, which together with his Offense specialty makes his army very hard to vanquish (taking into account that Stronghold is one of the most offensive towns in the game). In some way, the passionately offensive Crag Hack is an "opposite hero" to the aggressively defensive Beastmaster Tazar. Cove have a very similar hero to Crag Hack, captain Corkes.

See also: