This article refers to the secondary skill. For the school of magic, see School of Water Magic.
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link=[水系魔法 水系魔法
link=[智慧術 智慧術
link=[干擾術 干擾術 Horn of the Abyss
Basic Water Magic.png 初級水系魔法: allows your hero to cast water spells at reduced cost.
Advanced Water Magic.png 中級水系魔法: allows your hero to cast water spells at reduced cost and increased effectiveness.
Expert Water Magic.png 高級水系魔法: allows your hero to cast water spells at reduced cost and maximum effectiveness.

Water Magic is a secondary skill that increases the effectiveness and reduces costs of the spells from School of Water Magic.

Water Magic is a school of magic, along with Earth, Fire and Air Magic. There is a special rule in place that offers schools of magic more often as a choice when leveling up than the secondary skill learning percentages suggest: A new school of magic will be offered at least every 4 levels for Might heroes and every 3 levels for Magic heroes. It can be offered more often by chance. Example: The Might hero was not offered a school of magic when reaching levels 2 and 3. The hero will then be guaranteed to be offered a magic school at level 4. At level 8, the hero will be offered again a new magic school if none was offered at levels 5, 6 and 7.

Classes, unable to learn 水系魔法 skill:

(They can only acquire the skill from Scholars, Witch Huts, Seer's Huts, Events or Pandora's Boxes).

Heroes with basic Water Magic as a starting skill:

Chance to get

Out of total 112 for 死亡陰影, and of (112 + Interference chance) for 深淵號角 Horn of the Abyss.
Banned skills change the probability.

城鎮 類型 學會幾率
Town portrait Castle small.gif 城堡  騎士   4
Town portrait Castle small.gif 城堡  牧師   4
Town portrait Rampart small.gif 堡壘  巡邏兵   3
Town portrait Rampart small.gif 堡壘  德魯伊   4
Town portrait Tower small.gif 塔樓  鍊金術士   2
Town portrait Tower small.gif 塔樓  術士   3
Town portrait Inferno small.gif 地獄  魔鬼   1
Town portrait Inferno small.gif 地獄  異教徒   2
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif 墓園  死亡騎士   3
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif 墓園  巫師   3
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif 地下城  地下領主   0 (impossible)
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif 地下城  妖術師   2
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 據點  野蠻人   0 (impossible)
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 據點  戰鬥法師   3
Town portrait Fortress small.gif 要塞  馴獸師   2
Town portrait Fortress small.gif 要塞  女巫   3
Town portrait Conflux small.gif 元素城  位面行者   2
Town portrait Conflux small.gif 元素城  元素使   6 (highest) Shadow of Death
Town portrait Cove small.gif 港口  船長   2
Town portrait Cove small.gif 港口  領航員   9 (highest) Horn of the Abyss



Like other magic schools, Water Magic is important. It has three essential Level 1 spells - Bless, Cure, and Dispel. Units with big damage range (e.g. Harpy Hags) will become mighty when Blessed. Beware when casting Dispel though, as positive magic from your units and negative magic from the enemies will also be removed. Weakness will help your units survive, reducing enemy's damage. Mass Forgetfulness is a must when fighting neutral ranged units, as otherwise they will very likely kill some of your troops even being easily defeated. Clone is very good to units with magic abilities, as, for example, every clone of Archangels will resurrect allies separately. Prayer is just making units stronger and faster, Summon Boat is helpful when there is no Shipyard nearby (or no resources for a boat), and Scuttle Boat is a useful tactical feature (e.g. to scuttle your own boat so as to force an enemy hero into a battle). Teleport will drive slow troops to the heat of the battle, as they wouldn't reach enemies by their natural speed; this spell can be also an unexpected maneuver (e.g. for a stack who can attack all adjacent troops).

While Water magic does not have the same utility as Earth and Air magic in terms of adventure spells, it is not to be underestimated on the battlefield, especially for having one of the most formidable buff spells in the game, Prayer. This powerful buff spell also can stack with Bless, and if both are mass cast heroes will have a reliable, mana-efficient combat strategy to use for the entire game.

Expert Teleport is extremely useful in siege situations, and Clone can double the damage output of your most powerful units or force the opponent to waste an attack. Expert Cure is also a good way to remove mass debuffs on your army.

See also: