Azure Dragons is the fourth and final scenario of the Dragon Slayer campaign in 末日之刃
Right-click text
Finally, you have tracked down the Azure Dragons. Now it is time to face the great dragon in their home territory. The locals are willing to join your cause, but the paths are guarded by dragons. Clear these paths and you can gain support. The Azure Dragons are both mighty and elusive. Track them down and kill them before they moves on to new territory. You estimate in six months they will move again. Once you have gained their support you can then seek your prize. Beware the other Dragons who guard the Azure, keeping out the fainthearted and unworthy of such a challenge.
Dracon : I have found a nest of mighty Azure Dragons. I have also found my destiny. Azure Dragons do not nest for long and commands an entourage of dragons of all colors. The task is great, but I am determined.
Map description
Defeat the great Azure Dragons within six months for eternal fame. Once you have slain this ancient beast you will have proven yourself to be a Dragon Slayer extraordinaire. Failure means death of Dracon and eternal branding as a foolish child.
Starting options
Timed events
Day 1 - Intro
"It is now time," you tell yourself as you prepare for the long journey. You have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Gathering all of the courage you can muster, you set out to face the last challenge that will make you the best Dragon Slayer of them all...the Azure Dragon.
Day 3 - No Magic
As you walk around you notice that the towns around the base of the mountains are very primitive. They have no mage guilds what-so-ever. It is then that you realize that you must use your magic wisely, for you have no way of recharging your mana.
23, 71, 0
Immediately after the battle you sit down for a rest. "This is gonna be harder than I thought," you think to yourself. Contents: -1 Morale
26, 11, 0
After several days up the mountain your army is getting restless. There have been many hard battles, and many people have died. Your army's morale has been good up until now. Now they are starting to fear. The upcoming battle might be too much for them. After some rest, they agree to go on.
38, 0, 0
As you pass by the medusa stones you become aware of some medusas that have been sleeping behind the stones awaiting some naive stranger to pass by. Guardians: 30 Medusas, 40 Medusas, 50 Medusas, 115 Medusa Queens, 50 Medusas, 40 Medusas, 30 Medusas
41, 33, 0
You and your army have made it this far. Morale has not been good, but your army has a newly found confidence. On the ground are deep blue scales coated in blood. "If it can bleed, then it can die" you think to yourself, knowing everyone else must be thinking the same thing. Contents: +2 Morale
84, 81, 0
You close your eyes and say a prayer to your god, realizing these might be your last steps on level ground for a long time...if ever. Contents: -1 Morale, -1 Luck
87, 32, 0
Your army has broken up the scales and split them between themselves. They now wear the scale pieces on their necks and on their armor as good luck. Everyone is still scared, but knowing something that is said to be unbeatable can be killed has brought morale up. Contents: +2 Morale
89, 2, 0
The journey has been a long one. And now it is almost over. The only thing standing between you and your destiny is the Azure Dragon. Smiling to yourself you ride on ahead to claim the victory that has been waiting for you for so long. Contents: +3 Morale
8, 82, 0
44, 96, 0
81, 44, 0
87, 81, 0
90, 24, 0
90, 101, 0
Red |
26, 7, 0
Green Dragon
Treasure: 50000 Gold
104, 4, 0
Azure Dragon
We are the last stand against our leader. You will not get by us.
107, 3, 0
Azure Dragon
I have been watching your progress for some time now. Let's see what you are truly made of...
Seer's Huts
Quest Guards
11, 32, 0
Keep trying, you'll know when you get there.
99, 88, 0
Beware the Foothills of the Dragon.
Dracon : My victory is hollow. I do not understand why. I have accomplished what only the elite dream. In my private moments, I have felt this beast would be the key to unlock a long sought personal contentment. I was wrong. My disatisfaction stirs and I wonder, what is next.