Death Knights
Charna Charna
Clavius Clavius
Galthran Galthran
Isra Isra
Moandor Moandor
Straker Straker
Tamika Tamika
Vokial Vokial
Lord Haart Lord Haart Armageddon's Blade
Ranloo Ranloo Horn of the Abyss
Aislinn Aislinn
Nagash Nagash
Nimbus Nimbus
Sandro Sandro
Septienna Septienna
Thant Thant
Vidomina Vidomina
Xsi Xsi
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Aislinn(Aislinn) - 巫師
Aislinn 類型: 巫師
性別: 女性
種族: Vampire

Aislinn has always preferred the feel of the earth over the sky, and many believe she can draw life from the ground merely by being in contact with it.

英雄特長 Meteor Shower
Specialty Meteor Shower Casts Meteor Shower with increased effect, based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit.
Attack 1 Defense 0 Spell Power 2 Knowledge 2
Basic Necromancy  Basic Necromancy
Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom
Skeleton Skeleton 20–30 總是擁有
Walking Dead Walking Dead 4–6 88% 總是擁有 Horn of the Abyss
Wight Wight 4–6 25% 總是擁有 Horn of the Abyss
Meteor Shower Meteor Shower
最小值 最大值 深淵號角 Horn of the Abyss
1500 1560 1500

Aislinn - 巫師是一位來自墓園英雄。她開局時攜帶魔法書及技能Meteor Shower



Aislinn is one of the few heroes that start with a spell higher than level 1. Meteor Shower is a level four spell, and posses one of the highest damage rating in the game. It makes Aislinn a good choice for starting hero possibly enabling quick advancement on the Adventure Map. She is also a solid choice for main hero specially in shorter games and smaller maps. However, in longer maps her usefulness tend to fall off.

See also: