Erdamon Erdamon
Fiur Fiur
Ignissa Ignissa
Lacus Lacus
Kalt Kalt
Monere Monere
Pasis Pasis
Thunar Thunar
Aenain Aenain
Brissa Brissa
Ciele Ciele
Gelare Gelare
Grindan Grindan
Inteus Inteus
Labetha Labetha
Luna Luna
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Inteus(Inteus) - 元素使
Inteus 類型: 元素使
性別: 男性
種族: Human

At an early age, Inteus' mastery of fire earned him a spot with a troupe of entertainers. Some believed he was the son of a Fire Elemental. One night, he felt a calling and left his profession. Now he serves the Conflux.

英雄特長 Bloodlust
Specialty Bloodlust Inteus' proficiency in the Bloodlust spell allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on the level of the target (greater bonus on weaker units).
Attack 0 Defense 0 Spell Power 3 Knowledge 3
Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom
Basic Fire Magic  Basic Fire Magic
Pixie Pixie 15–25 總是擁有
Air Elemental Air Elemental 3-5 88% 總是擁有 Horn of the Abyss
Water Elemental Water Elemental 2-3 25% 總是擁有 Horn of the Abyss
Bloodlust Bloodlust
最小值 最大值 深淵號角 Horn of the Abyss
1630 1760 1630

Inteus - 元素使是一位來自元素城英雄。他開局時攜帶魔法書及技能Bloodlust

His specialty gives in addition to normal Bloodlust attack bonuses
     +3 to creatures on level 1–2
     +2 to creatures on level 3–4
     +1 to creatures on level 5–6
     No additional bonus for creatures on level 7.

Although the description of the specialty states, "based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit", the hero's level has no effect on the specialty.



Magic Elementals, Fire Elementals, Energy Elementals, Phoenixes and Firebirds are immune to Bloodlust.

Since these are three of seven Conflux creatures, including its best two units, the use of the specialty is quite questionable if you are using Inteus with a Conflux army composition.

See also: