School of Water Magic
Symbol for School of Water Magic
Level 1
 Magic Arrow *
 Protection from Water
 Summon Boat
Level 2
 Ice Bolt
 Remove Obstacle
 Scuttle Boat
 Visions *
Level 3
 Frost Ring
Level 4
 Water Walk
Level 5
 Summon Water Elemental
School of Air Magic
School of Earth Magic
School of Fire Magic
水行(Water Walk)
Water Walk.png
魔法类型:  Water Magic
等级:  4
消耗魔法值:  12/8
持续时间:  one day
The casting hero may follow a movement path across water with 40% penalty, provided the end destination is an unoccupied location on land.
The casting hero may follow a movement path across water with 20% penalty, provided the end destination is an unoccupied location on land.
The casting hero may follow a movement path across water without penalty, provided the end destination is an unoccupied location on land.
Town portrait Castle small.gif 城堡   20
Town portrait Rampart small.gif 堡垒   20
Town portrait Tower small.gif 塔楼   29 (20*)
Town portrait Inferno small.gif 地狱   20
Town portrait Necropolis small.gif 墓园   20
Town portrait Dungeon small.gif 地下城   20
Town portrait Stronghold small.gif 据点   0
Town portrait Fortress small.gif 要塞   0
Town portrait Conflux small.gif 元素城   20
Town portrait Cove small.gif 港口 Horn of the Abyss   20
* 没有图书馆

水行Water Walk是一种 4 级的Water Magic魔法。 It enables hero to move over water as if it were land, provided that he ends his turn on land. Movement cost is increased when moving over water.

Related artifacts:

