Vampire and Vampire Lord

Necropolis creatures
Level 1
Skeleton Skeleton
Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior
Level 2
Walking Dead Walking Dead
Zombie Zombie
Level 3
Wight Wight
Wraith Wraith
Level 4
Vampire Vampire
Vampire Lord Vampire Lord
Level 5
Lich Lich
Power Lich Power Lich
Level 6
Black Knight Black Knight
Dread Knight Dread Knight
Level 7
Bone Dragon Bone Dragon
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Vampire.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 10
防御力 9
杀伤力 5–8
生命值 30
速度 6
移动 Flying
体型 1
产量 4
AI价值 555
• No enemy retaliation
Vampire Lord
Creature Vampire Lord.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 10
防御力 10
杀伤力 5–8
生命值 40
速度 9
移动 Flying
体型 1
产量 4
AI价值 783
• No enemy retaliation
Life drain
Estate  Vampire (adventure map).gif   Vampire Lord (adventure map).gif

Vampires and Vampire Lords are the level 4 creatures of Necropolis. They are recruited from the Estate.

"The attacks of vampires and vampire lords cannot be retaliated against. Vampire Lords are able to resurrect members of their own troops by replenishing health equal to the amount of damage they inflict on others." RoE manual

Life drain special ability

Vampire Lords' life drain special ability occurs after the stack has attacked and before the target stack has a chance to retaliate. It raises killed Vampire Lords from the dead for the same amount of health points as the stack inflicted damage, and the top unit is healed with the remainder. The ability functions in a similar way to Animate Dead spell (or Resurrection). However, no more than the amount of total health points of the target stack can be drained. As the ability name suggests, target attacked creature stack must be considered to be alive. This means that the ability does not work on non-living creatures, since Undead, Elementals and Golems have no life to be drained.

If Vampire Lords attack Efreet Sultans, Fire Shield works after life drain, being able to kill Vampire Lords who have already risen from the dead.

Creatures immune to life drain:

Elementals: Golems: Undead:


Heroes with a specialty

  • Vokial Vokial the Death Knight has vampires as a specialty, which increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Vampires or Vampire Lords for each level attained after 4th level and gives them a speed bonus of 1.



See also: