Behemoth and Ancient Behemoth

Stronghold creatures
Level 1
Goblin Goblin
Hobgoblin Hobgoblin
Level 2
Wolf Rider Wolf Rider
Wolf Raider Wolf Raider
Level 3
Orc Orc
Orc Chieftain Orc Chieftain
Level 4
Ogre Ogre
Ogre Mage Ogre Mage
Level 5
Roc Roc
Thunderbird Thunderbird
Level 6
Cyclops Cyclops
Cyclops King Cyclops King
Level 7
Behemoth Behemoth
Ancient Behemoth Ancient Behemoth
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Behemoth.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif
攻击力 17
防御力 17
杀伤力 30–50
生命值 160
速度 6
移动 陆地
体型 2
产量 1
AI价值 3162
• Attack reduces enemy's defense by 40% and 1 point temporarily
Ancient Behemoth
Creature Ancient Behemoth.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif
Resource Crystal 20x18.gif
攻击力 19
防御力 19
杀伤力 30–50
生命值 300
速度 9
移动 陆地
体型 2
产量 1
AI价值 6168
• Attack reduces enemy's defense by 80% and 1 point temporarily
Behemoth Crag  Behemoth (adventure map).gifAncient Behemoth (adventure map).gif

Behemoths and Ancient Behemoths are the level 7 creatures of Stronghold. They are recruited from the Behemoth Lair. On the adventure map, their external dwelling is instead called the Behemoth Crag.

"The attack of these giant creatures is so overwhelming it reduces their target's ability to mount further defenses. The attack of the behemoth reduces target defense value by 40%. Ancient behemoth attacks reduce it by 80%." RoE manual

Heroes with a specialty



See also: