

Resource is a common name for all basic and magical resources. Basic resources include wood, ore and gold; while magical resources include mercury, sulfur, crystal and gems. Wood and ore are required to build town structures, along with gold. Wood is also needed to build boats. Several town structures require magical resources for construction, and they are also needed to hire most 7th level creatures. Gold is basically needed for everything from hiring heroes and troops to constructing buildings and ships. Also some Adventure Map locations (e.g. School of War) require gold in exchange for their services. Tree of Knowledge is the exception among adventure map locations, because it can require a resource other than gold (10 gems) to give an experience level.

Resources may be acquired in many ways, but perhaps the most typical means are flagging mines, which provide a steady income, or gathering resource piles from the Adventure Map. Additional resources may be acquired from Adventure Map locations such as Windmills, Mystical Gardens or creature banks. Typically it is possible to construct Resource Silos in towns, which will produce extra resources depending on the town they are built. Additionally, Rampart's Mystic Pond will produce additional weekly income. Freelancer's Guild and Artifact merchants may exchange creatures or artifacts for gold and/or resources, respectively. Additionally, resources can be given/received from other players through Marketplace.


Resource gold.gif

Gold is one of the seven resources, and one of three basic resources. It is arguably the most important resource because it is needed basically for everything. The largest expenditure is troops, and another is town structures. However, gold is also needed to hire heroes, in several Adventure Map locations and to buy artifacts. Typically, Gold can be found scattered around the adventure map varying quantities (500-1000 units of gold per resource stack).

Gold can be received from:

Heroes who have gold as special ability:
The following heroes generate 350 gold per day:

Specialty Estates:


Resource wood.png

Wood is one of the three basic resources in Heroes (along with Gold and Ore). Wood is needed for most buildings, and thus, it is vital to claim a source of Wood as early in the game as possible, as Windmill can produce any resources but Gold and Wood. The primary source of Wood is the Sawmill, which brings its owner 2 units of Wood per day. You can also find wood scattered around the land in small amounts (5-10 units of Wood per resource stack).

In Fortress, Castle, Necropolis and Stronghold towns you can also build the Resource Silo which will bring you 1 Wood and 1 Ore per day.

Additional sources of wood:


Town Buildings:

Adventure map:


Resource ore.png

Ore is one of the three basic resources in Heroes (along with Gold and Wood). Ore is needed for most buildings, and thus, it is vital to claim a source of ore as early in the game as possible. The primary source of ore is the Ore Pit, which brings its owner 2 units of ore per day. Typically basic resources can be found scattered around the adventure map in small amounts (5-10 units of ore per resource stack).

In Fortress, Castle, Necropolis and Stronghold towns you can also build the Resource Silo which will bring you 1 Wood and 1 Ore per day.

Additional sources of ore:


Town Buildings:

Adventure map:


Resource mercury.png

Mercury is one of the four magical resources (along with Crystal, Gems and Sulfur). Mercury is required to construct several buildings and to hire Devils and Arch Devils, Ghost Dragons, Phoenixes and Azure Dragons. The primary source of mercury is the Alchemist's lab, which produces 1 mercury per day for its owner. You can also find mercury scattered around the land in small amounts (3-6 units of mercury per resource stack).

In Inferno and Conflux towns, you can build a resource silo, which will bring you 1 unit of mercury per day.

Additional sources of mercury:



Town Buildings:

Adventure map:


Resource sulfur.png

Sulfur is one of the four magical resources (along with Crystal, Gems and Mercury). Its symbol is Sulfur. Sulfur is required to construct several buildings and to hire Red Dragons, Black Dragons, Chaos Hydras and Rust Dragons. The primary source of sulfur is the Sulfur dune, which produces 1 unit of sulfur per day for its owner. Sulfur may also be scattered around the adventure map in small piles typically containing 3-6 units of sulfur per resource stack.

Resource Silos of Dungeon and Cove Horn of the Abyss towns produce 1 unit of sulfur per day for the kingdom.

Additional sources of sulfur:



Town Buildings:

Adventure map:


Resource crystal.gif

Crystal is one of the four magical resources (along with Gems, Mercury and Sulfur). Crystal is needed to construct several buildings and to hire Green Dragons, Gold Dragons, Ancient Behemoths and Crystal Dragons. The primary source of crystals is the Crystal Cavern, which produces 1 unit of crystal per day for its owner. You can also find crystal scattered around the land in small amounts (3-6 units of crystal per resource stack).

In Rampart towns, you can also build a Resource Silo which will bring you 1 unit of crystal per day.

Additional sources of crystals:




Town Buildings:

Adventure map:


Resource gems.gif

Gems is one of the four magical resources. They are required to construct several buildings and to hire Giants, Titans, Angels and Archangels. In 死亡陰影 expansion hiring Faerie Dragons from Magic Forests requires gems. The primary source of gems is the Gem pond, which produces 1 unit of gems per day for its owner. Additionally, visiting Mystical Garden has 50 % chance of producing 5 gems. It only works once per week.

In Tower towns, Resource Silos will produce 1 unit of gems per day.

Additional sources of gems:



Town Buildings:

Adventure map: