Borderlands is the first scenario of the Spoils of War campaign in 埃拉西亞的光復
Right-click text
You are offered a mercenary contract with King Tralossk of Tatalia, who once and for all wishes for his nation to be made up of something more than just swampland. With Erathia distracted, he has decided that now is the time to expand Tatalia's borders.
As you foresaw milord, King Gryphonheart’s death brings many opportunities for your mercenary skills. A messenger from Tatalia, on behalf of King Tralossk, has contacted us. Twenty years ago, following numerous border skirmishes along the western shore of Erathia, Tatalia signed an agreement to cease hostilities. King Gryphonheart is dead. Their agreement has died with him. Aggressive tactics have never been part of Tatalia's military character. Their ranks are vast, and once they possess Erathian land, they will hold it. However, they need generals to guide their heroes to expand their borders and accommodate their growing population.
Map description
To win, you must flag all mines. Your Heroes will be limited to 12th level in this scenario, but your 8 strongest Heroes will be available to you in the final scenario of this campaign.
Starting options
Timed events
Day 1 - Intro part 1
Your first orders from King Tralossk are simple enough: seize all mines in the region so that the armies of Tatalia will have the resources necessary for a larger military campaign against Erathia.
Day 1 - Intro part 2
But there is good news and bad news. The good news is that the three Erathian outposts in the area are mostly depleted due to the war in the east. The bad news is that they can summon reinforcements faster than we can, so you must act quickly.
Day 1 - Intro part 3
Of course, should you eliminate the opposition in the area, then you will be able to complete your contract at your leisure...
42, 19, 0
A small group of gnolls appears from down the road. As they walk up to you (in a non-threatening manner) the leader gives you an official note reading, "These troops are for the greater glory of Tatalia, use them as you please. Signed, King Tralossk."Contents: 20 Gnolls
57, 71, 0
This road leads deeper into Erathia, but maybe you should secure this region before you move further in.
10, 34, 0
22, 65, 0
41, 18, 0
46, 59, 0
61, 31, 0
Blue |
Red |
41, 18, 0
Random hero
32, 8, 0
Gnoll Marauder
These gnolls seem tired of guarding this tent, and after a small discussion they decide to join you.
9, 28, 0
Abdul's Siege Weapon Factory. No Refunds
10, 9, 0
Royal Yacht - Ambassadors Only!
27, 24, 0
Sixth Temple of Tatalia
31, 47, 0
Swamp Faeries - Do Not Disturb
44, 64, 0
Abdul's Defense Training - All Welcome
48, 25, 0
Welcome to Tatalia.
49, 28, 0
Welcome to Erathia.
60, 11, 0
Saurian Village - Visitors Not Welcome