Wood Elf and Grand Elf

Rampart creatures
Level 1
Centaur Centaur
Centaur Captain Centaur Captain
Level 2
Dwarf Dwarf
Battle Dwarf Battle Dwarf
Level 3
Wood Elf Wood Elf
Grand Elf Grand Elf
Level 4
Pegasus Pegasus
Silver Pegasus Silver Pegasus
Level 5
Dendroid Guard Dendroid Guard
Dendroid Soldier Dendroid Soldier
Level 6
Unicorn Unicorn
War Unicorn War Unicorn
Level 7
Green Dragon Green Dragon
Gold Dragon Gold Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Wood Elf
Creature Wood Elf.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 9
防禦力 5
殺傷力 3–5
生命值 15
速度 6
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 24
產量 7
AI價值 234
Ranged attack
Grand Elf
Creature Grand Elf.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 9
防禦力 5
殺傷力 3–5 (x2)
生命值 15
速度 7
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 24
產量 7
AI價值 331
Ranged attack
Double attack
Homestead  Wood Elf (adventure map).gifGrand Elf (adventure map).gif

Wood Elves and Grand Elves are the level 3 creatures of Rampart. They are recruited from the Homestead.

"Armed with bows, elves are the only Rampart units with a ranged attack. Grand elves take two shots per attack." RoE manual

Heroes with a specialty

Horn of the Abyss

In 深淵號角, the size of starting Wood Elf stacks for Rampart heroes was significantly nerfed from 3-6 to 2-4 (33% less). However, as all level 3 starting stacks, they now have a 100% chance of appearing.



See also: