Minotaur and Minotaur King

Dungeon creatures
Level 1
Troglodyte Troglodyte
Infernal Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte
Level 2
Harpy Harpy
Harpy Hag Harpy Hag
Level 3
Beholder Beholder
Evil Eye Evil Eye
Level 4
Medusa Medusa
Medusa Queen Medusa Queen
Level 5
Minotaur Minotaur
Minotaur King Minotaur King
Level 6
Manticore Manticore
Scorpicore Scorpicore
Level 7
Red Dragon Red Dragon
Black Dragon Black Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Minotaur.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 14
防御力 12
杀伤力 12–20
生命值 50
速度 6
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 3
AI价值 835
• Minimum morale is +1
Minotaur King
Creature Minotaur King.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 15
防御力 15
杀伤力 12–20
生命值 50
速度 8
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 3
AI价值 1068
• Minimum morale is +1
Labyrinth  Minotaur (adventure map).gifMinotaur King (adventure map).gif

Minotaurs and Minotaur Kings are the level 5 creatures of Dungeon. They are recruited from the Labyrinth.

"Minotaurs and Minotaur Kings live in labyrinths and devour all who enter. These bull-like humanoids are sure of their ability to dominate in battle and have good morale. This self image is well-founded as they are durable and have a very damaging axe attack." RoE manual

Special ability

Minotaur's positive morale ability can be affected only with Cursed Ground magical terrain or Spirit of Oppression artifact, since both interact with morale roll itself, rather than with morale level of the creature. Their morale cannot be decreased below +1 by the Sorrow spell, Holy Ground magical terrain effect, the morale forfeit for units from different towns or undead in the army, Bone and Ghost Dragon ability, any morale decreasing map objects effects and anti-morale artifacts in 深渊号角.

Heroes with a specialty

  • Dace Dace the Overlord has minotaurs as a specialty, which increases the attack and defense skills of any minotaurs or minotaur kings for each level attained after 5th level and gives them a speed bonus of 1.



See also: