Heroes Chronicles map icon.png Only available in Heroes Chronicles.
Allison(Allison) - 骑士
Allison 类型: 骑士
性别: 女性
种族: Human

Allison is the reigning Queen of Erathia, a young kingdom that her father started. She is determined to rescue the soul of her father from an eternity of torture.

英雄特长 Swordsmen
Specialty Swordsmen Allison increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Swordsmen or Crusaders she commands for each level she attains after the 4th level.
Attack 2 Defense 2 Spell Power 1 Knowledge 1
Basic Leadership  Basic Leadership
Basic Offense  Basic Offense
Pikeman Pikeman 10–20 总是拥有
Archer Archer 4–7 88%
Griffin Griffin 2–3 25%
初始兵力 Horn of the Abyss
Pikeman Pikeman 10–20 Always
Archer Archer 4–7 Always
Griffin Griffin 2–3 Always
最小值 最大值 深渊号角 Horn of the Abyss

Allison - 骑士是一位来自城堡英雄

Allison is only available in one map of Conquest of the Underworld, but she is identical to Catherine (who is, in turn, identical to Sorsha) in all points except biography text.