M Angel Feather Arrows
M Arms of Legion
t Badge of Courage
t Bird of Perception
t Bow of Elven Cherrywood
C Bow of the Sharpshooter
m Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane
t Cards of Prophecy
t Charm of Mana
t Clover of Fortune
C Cornucopia
t Crest of Valor
C Elixir of Life
m Emblem of Cognizance
M Endless Bag of Gold
M Endless Purse of Gold
R Endless Sack of Gold
M Everpouring Vial of Mercury
t Glyph of Gallantry
M Golden Bow
M Head of Legion
t Hourglass of the Evil Hour
m Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber
m Inexhaustible Cart of Ore
t Ladybird of Luck
t Legs of Legion
m Loins of Legion
t Mystic Orb of Mana
M Orb of Driving Rain
R Orb of Inhibition
M Orb of Silt
M Orb of Tempestuous Fire
M Orb of the Firmament
R Orb of Vulnerability
M Shackles of War
t Speculum
M Sphere of Permanence
t Spirit of Oppression
t Spyglass
C Statue of Legion
t Stoic Watchman
t Talisman of Mana
R Tome of Air
R Tome of Earth
R Tome of Fire
R Tome of Water
m Torso of Legion
R Vial of Dragon BloodArmageddon's Blade
M Vial of Lifeblood
C Wizard's Well
m Charm of Eclipse Horn of the Abyss
t Demon's Horseshoe Horn of the Abyss
C Golden Goose Horn of the Abyss
m Hideous Mask Horn of the Abyss
R Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss
t Runes of Imminency Horn of the Abyss
m Shaman's Puppet Horn of the Abyss
Orb of Vulnerability()
Orb of Vulnerability Class: relic
Slot: miscellaneous
Cost: 25000 Gold
效果: During combat, this orb negates the natural magic resistance of all creatures on the battlefield.
Orb of Vulnerability artifact.gif You meet an old Wizard friend of yours traveling in the opposite direction. He presents you with a gift: An orb that allows nearby magic resistant creatures to be harmed by magic.

Orb of Vulnerability是一件relic等級的寶物,它裝備在miscellaneous槽位中。 While equipped, the orb negates natural Magic Resistance of all creatures. While not mentioned in the description, the orb also negates the Resistance secondary skill and any resistance granted by the Garniture of Interference and/or its components. Does not negate Golem's spell damage resistance.

Relic class artifacts cannot be purchased from Artifact Merchants.

Only the Orb of Vulnerability can negate the Black Dragon's resistance.

How does the Orb of Vulnerability work

First, let’s start with the fact that the Orb doesn’t work the same way for its owner and opponent: the owner can cast spells that could not be casted previously on both his own and enemy troops. The enemy also gets the opportunity to cast spells that could not be casted previously but only on the troops of the owner of the Orb. Example:

  • Red hero has Gold Dragons, Efreet Sultans and the Orb of Vulnerability.
  • Blue hero has Black Dragons, Efreet Sultans, but doesn't have the Orb of Vulnerability.
  • Red hero casts Armageddon which deals damage to everyone on the battlefield.
  • Blue hero casts Armageddon which deals damage only to Red troops (i.e. Armageddon resistance of Blue's Efreet Sultans and Black Dragons is not negated).
  • Red hero can resurrect Gold Dragons.
  • Blue hero cannot resurrect Black Dragons.

From the description of this artifact, it might seem that if it is available, you can cast any spells on any creatures. But this is not true. Creatures partially retain immunity to certain spells or their groups. The following table shows what happens when using this artifact. In the second column, for clarity, indicated all spells to which creatures are immune, and in the third column the spells, to which this or that creature remained immune, even with the Orb. A dash in this column means that the artifact really removed all the immunity of this creature and allows you to cast all spells on it. The table, of course, did not take into account the obvious things - the inability to cast the Death Ripple and Resurrection spells on the undead, and the inability to cast the Animate Dead and Destroy Undead spells on the living.

Creature Spell immunity Spell immunity with the Orb of Vulnerability
Stone Gargoyle Obsidian Gargoyle  Resurrection, Sacrifice Resurrection, Sacrifice
Stone Golem Iron Golem Gold Golem Diamond Golem Steel Golem  Horn of the Abyss Resurrection, Sacrifice, Blind, Berserk, Frenzy, Hypnotize, Mirth, Sorrow Resurrection, Sacrifice, Mirth, Sorrow, Frenzy (only the Orb owner is able to cast)
Giant Titan  Blind, Berserk, Frenzy, Hypnotize, Mirth, Sorrow, Forgetfulness Frenzy (only the Orb owner is able to cast)
Green Dragon  All 1-3 level spells -
Gold Dragon  All 1-4 level spells -
Troglodyte Infernal Troglodyte  Blind, Petrify Blind, Petrify
Red Dragon  All 1-3 level spells -
Black Dragon  All spells -
Efreeti Efreet Sultan  Fire spells, Efreet Sultan Fire Shield, Magic Arrow Efreet Sultan Fire Shield
Mummy  Necropolis creatures Resurrection, Sacrifice, Blind, Berserk, Frenzy, Hypnotize, Mirth, Sorrow, Bless, Curse Resurrection, Sacrifice, Blind, Hypnotize, Mirth, Sorrow, Frenzy (only the Orb owner is able to cast)
Elemental Resurrection, Sacrifice, Blind, Berserk, Frenzy, Hypnotize, Mirth, Sorrow, Forgetfulness Resurrection, Sacrifice, Mirth, Sorrow, Frenzy (only the Orb owner is able to cast)
Air Elemental Storm Elemental  Meteor Shower -
Water Elemental Ice Elemental  Ice Bolt, Frost Ring -
Fire Elemental Energy Elemental  Fire spells, Efreet Sultan Fire Shield, Magic Arrow Efreet Sultan Fire Shield
Earth Elemental Magma Elemental  Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Armageddon, Titan's Lightning Bolt -
Magic Elemental  All spells -
Phoenix  Fire spells, Efreet Sultan Fire Shield, Magic Arrow Efreet Sultan Fire Shield
Nymph  Horn of the AbyssOceanid  Horn of the Abyss Ice Bolt, Frost Ring -
Fangarm  Horn of the Abyss Blind, Berserk, Frenzy, Hypnotize, Mirth, Sorrow Frenzy (only the Orb owner is able to cast)
Azure Dragon  All 1-3 level spells -



See also: