Black Knight and Dread Knight

(重定向自Death blow
Necropolis creatures
Level 1
Skeleton Skeleton
Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior
Level 2
Walking Dead Walking Dead
Zombie Zombie
Level 3
Wight Wight
Wraith Wraith
Level 4
Vampire Vampire
Vampire Lord Vampire Lord
Level 5
Lich Lich
Power Lich Power Lich
Level 6
Black Knight Black Knight
Dread Knight Dread Knight
Level 7
Bone Dragon Bone Dragon
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Black Knight
Creature Black Knight.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 16
防御力 16
杀伤力 15–30
生命值 120
速度 7
移动 陆地
体型 2
产量 2
AI价值 2087
Curses enemies
Dread Knight
Creature Dread Knight.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 18
防御力 18
杀伤力 15–30
生命值 120
速度 9
移动 陆地
体型 2
产量 2
AI价值 2382
Curses enemies
Death blow attack
Hall of Darkness  Black Knight (adventure map).gif   Dread Knight (adventure map).gif

Black and Dread Knights are the level 6 creatures of Necropolis. They are recruited from the Hall of Darkness.

"Knights have a chance of cursing opponents they strike. Cursed creatures inflict only minimum damage in their own attacks. Dread knights' attacks also have a 20% chance of inflicting double damage death blows." RoE manual


Special ability curse

Black and Dread Knights have a 25% chance to curse their target stack for three rounds. This ability uses the Curse spell. However, Fiery Fields terrain does not affect creature spells. The ability is affected by the Magic Plains.

Special ability death blow

Dread Knights' special ability death blow gives them 20% chance of dealing double base damage when attacking a creature stack. The game information states that Dread Knights would deal double damage when the death blow occurs, but that is not technically correct as it only doubles the base damage. In other words, bonuses from Offense, Luck or attack-defense difference are not doubled. See damage calculation for more specific information about the matter.

Heroes with a specialty

  • Tamika Tamika the Death Knight has black knights as a specialty, which increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Black Knights or Dread Knights for each level attained after 6th level, and gives them a speed bonus of 1.
  • Lord Haart Lord Haart the Death Knight increases the Attack and Defense skills of any Black Knights or Dread Knights +5 and damage +10.



See also: