Restoration of Erathia Manual Page 41

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RoE1 41.png

Combat Screen


Defensive Side

Offensive Side





First Aid


Message Scroll


Troop Stack

Combat Options Surrender


Auto Combat

Message Window

Cast Spell



Conducting Combat

Arraying Your Forces

On each hero's Hero Screen are Formation buttons used to set the manner in which their forces are

initially placed on the battlefield (see Hero Screen, pg. 23). The formation options available are loose

and tight.

Distances on the battlefield are measured in hexes. The easiest way to understand this is to turn on the

grid overlay. To do this, click on the Combat Options button to display the Combat Options Menu,

then click the View Hex Grid button. Close the menu by clicking the Return to Game button. Now

the battlefield should be overlaid with a pattern of hexagons.

In loose and tight formations, a given hero's forces will appear on his battlefield side's back hex row. Where a

given troop will appear depends on which Troop Slot they occupy on the hero's Hero Screen.