Restoration of Erathia Manual Page 108

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RoE1 108.png

Cliff Nest

Hall of Valhalla


Mage Guild

Goblin Barracks/Mess Hall

Behemoth Lair



Orc Tower

Cyclops Cave

Escape Tunnel



Wolf Pen


Freelancer's Guild


Stronghold Towns

Stronghold towns are built by alliances of tribes and are frequented by the Barbarian and Battle Mage hero

types. Armies composed of Stronghold-based units have a balanced mix of ranged and hand-to-hand

attackers. With the inclusion of the stronger units, these armies are particularly well-equipped to deal with

attacks on other towns.

Stronghold Specific Buildings






1000 Gold + 5 Wood

Village Hall

The Ammo Cart war machine may be purchased from the Stronghold blacksmith (see

War Machines and Siege Features, pg. 126).

Ballista Yard

1000 Gold+ 5 Wood


This upgrade to the blacksmith allows for the

purchase of the Ballista war machine (see War

Machines and Siege Features, pg. 126).

Freelancer's Guild

1000 Gold


You may trade creatures for resources at the

Freelancer's Guild.

Resource Silo

5000 Gold + 5 Ore


This upgrade to the marketplace provides 1

Wood and 1 Ore per day.

Escape Tunnel

2000 Gold + 5 Wood

+ 5 Ore


This upgrade to the castle allows heroes and

their armies to surrender or flee during siege


Hall of Valhalla

1000 Gold


Visiting heroes receive a permanent + 1 to their

Attack skill from the Hall of Valhalla.