Horn of the Abyss 僅在啟用非官方擴展包「深淵號角」時可用。
Cove creatures
Level 1
Nymph Nymph Horn of the Abyss
Oceanid Oceanid Horn of the Abyss
Level 2
Crew Mate Crew Mate Horn of the Abyss
Seaman Seaman Horn of the Abyss
Level 3
Pirate Pirate Horn of the Abyss
Corsair Corsair Horn of the Abyss
Sea Dog Sea Dog Horn of the Abyss
Level 4
Stormbird Stormbird Horn of the Abyss
Ayssid Ayssid Horn of the Abyss
Level 5
Sea Witch Sea Witch Horn of the Abyss
Sorceress Sorceress Horn of the Abyss
Level 6
Nix Nix Horn of the Abyss
Nix Warrior Nix Warrior Horn of the Abyss
Level 7
Sea Serpent Sea Serpent Horn of the Abyss
Haspid Haspid Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Stormbird.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 10
防禦力 8
殺傷力 6–9
生命值 30
速度 9
移動 Flying
體型 2
產量 4 (+3)
AI價值 502
Creature Ayssid.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 11
防禦力 8
殺傷力 6–10
生命值 30
速度 11
移動 Flying
體型 2
產量 4 (+3)
AI價值 645
Nest  Stormbird (adventure map).gifAyssid (adventure map).gif

Stormbirds and Ayssids are the level 4 creatures of Cove. They can be recruited from the Nest.

Building the Roost increases Stormbird and Ayssid growth by +3 per week.

"Once Aqualander, overlord of Water, and Shalwend, overlord of Air, started the war. However, the Realm of Winds was unreachable for water elementals: their ice peaks crumbled under a barrage of lightning before they had time to reach its borders. Then Aqualander created several birds from steam that was on the border between two Realms. Named Stormbirds, these creatures brought water elementals a decisive victory in this war. Regnan magicians, specializing on magic water, often summon these birds for the aid. Bards say that semilegendary Ayssids were harnessed to the heavenly chariot of Aqualander, on which he crushed the lord of Air. These birds are bloodthirsty as their creator. HotA Facebook post

Special ability Ferocity

If at least one creature was killed by an Ayssid's attack, a second blow is inflicted. It works as a situational version of double attack.

Heroes with a specialty

  • Illor Illor the Captain has stormbirds as a specialty, which increases the speed of any Stormbirds or Ayssids by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 4 levels (rounded up). They also start with Stormbirds in their spawning army.



See also: