Inferno creatures
Level 1
Imp Imp
Familiar Familiar
Level 2
Gog Gog
Magog Magog
Level 3
Hell Hound Hell Hound
Cerberus Cerberus
Level 4
Demon Demon
Horned Demon Horned Demon
Level 5
Pit Fiend Pit Fiend
Pit Lord Pit Lord
Level 6
Efreeti Efreeti
Efreet Sultan Efreet Sultan
Level 7
Devil Devil
Arch Devil Arch Devil
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Devil.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif
攻擊力 19
防禦力 21
殺傷力 30–40
生命值 160
速度 11
移動  Teleporting 
體型 1
產量 1
AI價值 5101
• Decreases enemy luck by -1
• No enemy retaliation
Hates angels
Arch Devil
Creature Arch Devil.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif
攻擊力 26
防禦力 28
殺傷力 30–40
生命值 200
速度 17
移動  Teleporting 
體型 1
產量 1
AI價值 7115
• Decreases enemy luck by -1 (-2 Horn of the Abyss)
• No enemy retaliation
Hates angels
Forsaken Palace  Devil (adventure map).gif   Arch Devil (adventure map).gif

Devils and Arch Devils are level 7 creatures of Inferno. They are recruited from the Forsaken Palace.

"Devils and arch devils can teleport to any hex on the battlefield. Their overwhelming attack leaves no possibility for a retaliatory strike. They also do 150% damage to angels and reduce enemy Luck by one when they appear on the battlefield." RoE manual

Heroes with a specialty

  • Xeron Xeron the Demoniac has devils as a specialty. Devils and Arch Devils receive +4 Attack, +2 Defense, and +1 Speed.


In 深淵號角, Arch Devils decrease enemies' Luck by 2 instead of 1.



See also: