Fafner Fafner
Iona Iona
Josephine Josephine
Neela Neela
Piquedram Piquedram
Rissa Rissa
Thane Thane
Torosar Torosar
Aine Aine
Astral Astral
Cyra Cyra
Daremyth Daremyth
Dracon Dracon Armageddon's Blade
Halon Halon
Serena Serena
Theodorus Theodorus
索姆拉 索姆拉
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cyra(Cyra) - 术士
Cyra 类型: 术士
性别: 女性
种族: Human

Cyra originally sought to learn magic so that she could cast spells on men to make them love her. She gave up that dream, however, when she discovered that she had real mystical talents that could be put to better use.

英雄特长 Haste
Specialty Haste Casts Haste with increased effect, based on the level of the target unit.
Attack 0 Defense 0 Spell Power 2 Knowledge 3
Basic Wisdom  Basic Wisdom
Basic Diplomacy  Basic Diplomacy
Gremlin Gremlin 30–40 总是拥有
Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle 3–5 88%
Stone Golem Stone Golem 2–3 25%
初始兵力 Horn of the Abyss
Gremlin Gremlin 30–40 Always
Stone Gargoyle Stone Gargoyle 5-7 Always
Stone Golem Stone Golem 4-5 Always
Haste Haste
最小值 最大值 深渊号角 Horn of the Abyss
1500 1560 1500

Cyra - 术士是一位来自塔楼英雄。她开局时携带魔法书及技能Haste


Cyra's specialty gives in addition to normal Haste speed bonuses
    +3 to creatures on level 1–2
    +2 to creatures on level 3–4
    +1 to creatures on level 5–6
    No additional bonus for creatures on level 7.

Although the in-game description of the specialty states, "based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit", the hero's level has no effect on the specialty.



This specialty is especially useful in early game. With Expert Haste, Cyra's Master Gremlins will be faster than any creature below level 7 (and be tied with the Dragon Fly and the Efreet Sultan). This means at least two shots without distance penalty which can reduce losses significantly. Haste also make slow and defensive units like stone golem better in attacking and controling the more important hexes on the battlefield.

As Haste is one of the most useful spells, starting with it along with the ability to boost low-level creatures (which tend to have lower speed) further, makes her a powerful starting hero.

See also: