Warlords of the Wasteland/Tutorial

Heroes Chronicles

�   ��   Warlords of the Wasteland©   This tutorial will lead you through the basics of building up your town, combat, and exploring the maps in Heroes Chronicles.  Read and follow the instructions provided.�"�   Warlords Tutorial.h3m×3    �      �                                     ����f W � ��Ð�  �   �$    �   Tutorial©   This tutorial will lead you through the basics of building up your town, combat, and exploring the maps in Heroes Chronicles.  Read and follow the instructions provided.�    °  D  ÿ      �  @  � �
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Okay, put your axe away!  I'll help you.  No need to get violent now.  I'd rather keep my head, so I'll show you how to run a kingdom in Heroes Chronicles.  I'll be your advisor for this tutorial as you familiarize yourself with the features of this game.  Be patient with me, and read the instructions that follow.

To move the horseman representing the Tarnum Hero around the Adventure Map, simply point your mouse to the place you want to go.  If the cursor appears as a walking horse, you can go there.  If the cursor is a rearing horse, then you can visit and interact with that object.

Now, click the check below to continue.                            ý�                                             �   The town.�  After reading this message and clicking on the check below, double-click on the town icon on the far right of the screen.  In the Town Screen you will notice it is quite bare.  It's time to start building.

First, click on your Village Hall to see a list of everything you can build.  If it's gray, like your Behemoth Lair, you can never build that structure in this town.  If a square is red, you haven't met the requirements and can't build that structure at this time.  If it's green like the Fort, you can build the structure now.

Start by building the Fort.  I'll give you plenty of resources so you'll never have to worry about if you have enough to build or buy things.  When the real game starts though, I won't be there to babysit you and I'm certainly not going to give you any of my gold, so don't ask!Z   (   Z   (   (   (   _� ý�                                             	   Flaggablei�  By now, you should have 'flagged' the Sawmill.  Flaggable objects are those objects that you are able to own.  Mines such as the Sawmill will continue to provide you with resources as long as they are flagged with your color (Purple).

Now, visit the Ore Pit to your left and flag that as well.  Don't forget to pick up the pile of Ore nearby.  You may need it.                            ý� �                                           �   goblinsA�  Open your Town Screen again by clicking on the Village Hall.  Build the Goblin Barracks.

If you click on the Barracks, you'll be able to hire a group of Goblins for your army.  You should still have your new Hero in your town.

If you click on the Goblins you just hired, then left-click again on one of the empty spaces next to the Hero, you will transfer the Goblins in your town to this new Hero's army.  This is how you move your troops around from Hero to Hero, from town to Hero, etc.  You can also join two stacks of creatures of the same type into a much larger stack.                            ý� �                                           �   buildingã   Today, let's build the Wolf Pen.  If you feel a map is going to be dangerous, you should build your creature generators as quickly as possible.  If you feel you need Gold, then you'll want to build up your Town Hall and Market.                            ý� �                                           �   Orc¥�  Today, build the Orc Tower.  Orcs are missile troops, which means they can attack the enemy from a distance.  This type of troop should always be an important part of your army.

When you've completed that, visit the Fort.  You will find a list of all your creature types including how many are available for each.  Notice that there are 0 Goblins available (because you already hired them) but there are several Wolf Riders and Orcs available.  Now, if you click on each you will be able to hire them from this screen, making the entire process easier than visiting each generator separately.  Buy the Wolf Riders and Orcs and transfer them to the new Hero still in your town.                            ý� �                                           �   TavernÆ�  Open the Town Screen by clicking the Village Hall.  Let's build the Tavern.  This is where you can hire new Heroes to fight alongside your starting Hero.  Choose the one you like best and hire him or her.  They will appear at the bottom of your Town Screen with some troops of their own.  Note that you cannot hire a Hero if Tarnum (or any other Hero) is already inside the town.

For now, keep this new Hero in your town.  He has some troops to collect.                            ý� �                                           �   Ogre¡   Now, build the Ogre Fort.  Ogres may be slow, but they're powerful troops.

If you haven't already, try to bring Tarnum back to your town.  You'll need him soon.                            ý� �                                           �   New WeekÐ�  It is a new week.  Open your town and visit the Fort.  You will notice that all your troops are available, even the ones you hired last week.  Every week, the troops available for hire renew themselves on the first day of the week.  Keep track of the days so you'll always know when you'll have more forces available.

Now, build the Cliff Nest.  Hire all your forces and give them to the new Hero.  Tarnum should be nearby, so we're going to exchange some forces.                            ý� �                                           �   Explore��  Over the next few days, use the Tarnum Hero to explore the lands to the left of your town, visiting the Wolf Pen, the Windmill, the Sulfur Dune, the School of Magic, the Crystal Cavern, and especially the Blue Keymaster's Tent.

Remember, try to be back by the end of the week (day 7).                            ý� �                                           �   Upgrades�  Today, let's upgrade the Goblin Barracks by clicking on the Village Hall in the Town Screen.  You can upgrade the Goblins to Hobgoblins.  All creature generators can be upgraded in this way.

You can only upgrade creatures inside a town, so move the Tarnum Hero into the town.  Now, double-click the Goblins under his command.  A window will pop up showing a picture of the Goblins.  At the bottom you will find a few buttons.

One will dismiss the units (don't push it!).  The other, a group of arrows pointing upward, will upgrade your Goblins to Hobgoblins.  Upgrading can only be done if you've built the upgrade structure.                            ý� �                                           �   Exchanging troops��  It's time to exchange troops.  If Tarnum isn't already close to your town, move him as close to it as you can.  Then highlight your new Hero by clicking  once on their portrait on the far right side of the screen.  You can move the new Hero now.  Place your cursor over the horseman representing Tarnum on the map until the cursor changes to a pair of arrows going in opposite directions and click your mouse.

A new screen will open up to allow you to transfer Heroes (and artifacts if you had them) between Heroes.  Give Tarnum all of the new Hero's creatures with the exception of one.  This is done by clicking one of the new Hero's creature stacks, then clicking one of the squares below Tarnum.

Finally, clicking the "split" button will allow you to split a stack of creatures into a smaller number.  You will have to do this with the new Hero.  Click on the Goblins, split them, and give Tarnum all but one.

Remember, no Hero can have less than one troop under their command.  When you're done, exit the screen and continue to the next day.                            ý� �                                           �   Tarnum ExploresC�  Once you're done with the upgrading, explore the map with the Tarnum character.  Use your new Hero to visit the creature generators near your town, and don't forget to visit the Windmill once EVERY week.  Keeping a lesser Hero like that near your starting town is a tactic you might want to use while playing the real game.                            ý� �                                           �   Citadel   Today, build the Citadel.  The Citadel not only strengthens the defenses of your town, and also increases the number of creatures you can purchase each week.                            ý� �                                           	   town hallà   Today, build your Town Hall.  The Town Hall increases the amount of income (Gold) your town makes each day.  When you start having trouble with Gold, make sure you have buildings like this built.                            ý� 	                                           �   marketplace��  Today, build the Market.  This is a useful building when you have an abundance of one resource (such as Wood) and not enough of another (such as Gold).  At the Market, you can trade one resource for another.  The more Markets you own, the better deal you'll get on the trade.                            ý� 
   Mage Guild·   The Mage Guild is like a library of spells.  With each level of the Mage Guild you build, the more spells you get and the more powerful those spells become.  Build the Mage Guild now.                            ý� �                                           	   City Halli   Today, build the City Hall.  It's much like the Town Hall, but the City Hall gives you 2000 Gold per day!                            ý� 
                                           �   Castle‰   Build the Castle today.  It will increase the defensive capability of your town as well as increase the number of troops you can recruit.                            ý� �                                           �   Capitol•   As if the City Hall wasn't enough, build the Capitol today and watch the Gold just pour in!  With the Capitol, your income will be 4000 Gold per day.                            ý� �                                           
   Blacksmithð   Now, build the Blacksmith.  This will allow you to build Ammo Carts (which assure you that your missile troops never run out of ammo), and it will also help you meet the requirements of several other building upgrades such as the Orc Tower.                            ý� �                                           �   Cyclops CaveÑ   Today, build the Cyclops Cave.  These are powerful missile troops capable of causing a lot of damage.  Believe me.  I accidentally angered one once and he tore down my house with the throw of a single boulder.                            ý� �                                           �   BuildP�  Now, I'm going to let you build whatever you like.  You're a Barbarian now - you got to show a little independence!  You can concentrate on building the creature upgrades, or maybe structures like the Hall of Valhala.  It's your choice.  If you're not sure what a building does, just read the information provided in the Capitol Screen.                            ý� �                                           ÿ   �� �        ÿ   �� �        �� �        �� �        �	 �        �
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 $        �	 %        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� &        ÿ   �� '        ‚û	�f��   Tarnum �£ �X � V 	 T � \ � ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ   �ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿ�"�  Judged by the Ancestors as unworthy of entering Paradise, Tarnum wanders the land seeking redemption for the crimes of his past.  He's the Immortal Hero, a timeless protector, but personally troubled by the doubt that he can ever make up for the tremendous wrongs he performed in his youth.ÿ                  
� (        �� )        ��  Treasure Chests give you a choice between Gold and Experience, whichever you feel you need most.  Sometimes, Chests even give you a magical artifact.  When making a choice, consider what would benefit you most.  Since Gold is always a limited resource, Treasure Chests can be quite helpful when you need money to recruit troops.  However, the Experience might push your Hero to the next level so you can select a new skill.

For now, select the Gold.                                                           ý �    
� )        �Ö   Mines such as this Sawmill give you daily allowances of precious resources.  The more Mines you have, the better.  Simply ride into it and the flag will change to your color (Purple) signifying that you now own it.                                                           ý �    �� *        
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� �        �� �        �  �        �� ,        �	 �        �� -        �� .        �� /        �� )        �À   Unlike the creature generators of higher level creatures, the Goblins from the Goblin Barracks ahead will join your army for free.  You can only visit the Goblin Barracks once per week though.                                                           ý �    �� 0        !� -        !� 1        "� 2        #� 3         � 4        �� !        �� 5        $
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 �        "� �        "� !        #	 1         � 6         	 7        !	 )        �w   This is a Two-way Monolith, which will magically teleport you to another similar looking Monolith and back if you want.                                                           ý �    �� �        �� 8        �� 9        ÿ   �� :        �� ;        �� <        �� =        �� >        �� ?        �� @        �� A        �� B        !
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 F        �	 G        �� H        �� )        ��  Objects such as this Learning Stone can give you bonuses to your Luck, Morale, Statistics, and in the case of the Learning Stone, Experience.  Ride into it and you'll find that your low level Hero will gain enough Experience to go to the next level.

Now, you'll have the opportunity to select a new skill or increase a previous one.  This will happen every time you go up a level until there is no more room for improvement.  Don't worry, it takes a long time to get that high.                                                           ý �    �� I        
� �        
� 	        �
 J        �� K        �� )        �®   The Wolf Pen generates a certain number of Wolf Riders once per week.  Return here at the beginning of each week and you'll be able to hire these extra forces into your army.                                                           ý �    �� )        �¿   Once per week, resource generators such as this Windmill will produce a small amount of a random resource.  This can be very helpful at times, so make sure you have someone return every week.                                                           ý �    �� L        �� �        �� �        �� M        �� N        �� O        �� .        �� �        �� P        �� �        �� �        �� Q        ÿ   �� R        �

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        �� �        	
 G        �� U        �� )        �Ó   Never pass up the opportunity to visit a Keymaster's Tent.  You'll never know when you'll need to pass a Border Guard of the corresponding color.  Go ahead and visit the Red Keymaster's Tent before you continue.                                                           ý �    �
 V        �� W        �� $        	� )        �à   This Ore Pit provides a daily allowance of Ore.  Other Mines such as the Sawmill or Gem Pond provide resources in a similar fashion.  Ride into it and the flag will change to your color (Purple).                                                           ý �    
� X        �� Y        �� !        �� �        �� �        �� !        �� �        �� �        �� �        	� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� M        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� ,        �� �        �� Z        �� �        �� �        �   �� [        �   �� \        �� ]        �� ^        �� _        �� 9        �   �� `        �  �        �! �        �" �        �" �        �   �! �        �! �        �  ,        �" ,        �# �        �" �        �# a        �� P        �� b        
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        �� )        �<�  After that long detour, you're close to your home town again, but notice you must have visited the Red Keymaster's Tent in order to pass through the Red Border Guard.

You have the chance to visit your town quickly and buy some more troops before you go through the Red Border Gate in the south to attack your enemy.                                                           ý �    �
 $        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� ,        �� �        �� �        �� ,        �� !        �� �        �� �        �� j        �� �        �� �        	� �        �� �        �� M        �� k        �� �        �� �         � M        �� 
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� G        �� l        �� k        �� m        �� n        �� �        �� �        "� �        !� o        �� �        �� �        �� �        �	 �        �� !        �� !        �� f        �  g        �� p        �f   Sometimes you'll find piles of resources such as this Gold lying about.  Don't forget to pick them up.     2       �� q        �	 g        �	 r        �	 $        �� s        �� )        �¼   If you haven't already visited the Blue Keymaster's Tent, you better go find it.  You won't be able to pass through the Blue Border Guard unless you have visited the Blue Keymaster's Tent.                                                           ý �     � )        �þ   Ahead is a One-way Monolith Entrance.  This magically transports you to the Exit Monolith in another location on the map.  Always remember that when you step through a One-way Monolith that you can't come back.  Go ahead and step through now.  It's safe.                                                           ý �    �� �        �� t        #� �        $� �        �  �        �� g        �� u        �
 v        #� �        �� �        �� �         � �        �� �        "� !        "� 8        $� w        $� w        "� x        $� �        %� y        #� �        $� �         � �        �� �        �� �        �� R        �� *        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� O        �� �        �� �        �� k        �� P        �� q        �� z        �� y        �� w        �� q        �� q        �� {        !� |        �   �� )        �»   Ahead, you will find a few things that you can pick up (such as the Campfire) and a couple places you can visit (such as the Garden of Revelation).  Go ahead and see what they do for you.                                                           ý �    �� }        �� �        �� G        �� %        �� G        �� H        �� ~                 �� ?        �� {        #� z         � )        ���  Notice how the flag on this Alchemist's Lab is Blue?  That's the color of your enemy.  Ride into the Lab and watch as the flag changes to your color (Purple).  Now you'll be receiving the Mercury produced by this Mine, not your enemy.  That's always a good thing.                                                           ý �    
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 X � V � ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ      ÿ                  �� )        �^�  There is only one more enemy to attack.  Ahead, the rider on the horse with the Blue flag is the enemy.  They usually move around like you, taking Mines and picking up resources.  They will also attack you if they think they can win the battle.  Let's show our enemy who is the boss, and if you manage to win the battle, you will have beaten the map.                                                           ý �    �! q        �! {        �" q        �� {        �� @        �� X        �� )        �”   This Water Wheel is similar to the Windmill near your starting town.  However, it only gives a sum of Gold once per week and not any other resource.                                                           ý �    �� €        ��         �� ‚        �Œ   Sometimes you'll find piles of resources such as this Wood.  Ride over them and pick them up, immediately adding them to your own resources.     <       �� ƒ         � �        �� �        !  Q        �   #  �        $� �        $! �        $$ !        %� �        "� .        �# k        "� ,        �  b        �" +        #� �        �# ?        �� ?        �� „        �  )        �ƒ�  It might be a good idea to visit the War Machine Factory and purchase a few things to help you defeat your enemy.  Inside you can buy the Ballista (a large crossbow-like weapon used against your enemies), the First Aid Tent (which heals one stack of troops at the end of the combat round, and the Ammo Cart (which assures that your missile troops such as the Orcs don't run out of ammo).                                                           ý �    �� …        �Û   Unlike resources, artifacts are sometimes guarded by creatures that don't want to give them up.  So, you must fight them before you can use the item.  Go ahead and fight, you'll win easily.  Would you like to fight now?�c � ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ  ÿÿ      �  †        �  �        �� )        �Y   Nearby is an artifact.  Pick up artifacts in the same way as you would pick up resources.                                                           ý �    
� )        �J�  Ahead is the enemy's town.  It may be a little difficult, but go ahead and attack them.  Attacking a town is somewhat more complicated than fighting on open ground because a wall protects your enemy.  When you take a town, however, it provides you with more Gold per day as well as another source of recruiting troops.

Good luck!                                                           ý �    �� !        �� [        ÿ   �� �        �� v        �� ‡        ,P¿ì
 � ��  �� 4        �� )        ���  Place your cursor over the Hobgoblins ahead and a sword will appear.  This means you may attack them.  Notice you can't go forward or take the Gold Mine until the Hobgoblins are defeated.  Also, notice at the bottom of the screen the amount of Hobgoblins is also indicated.  In this case, a "pack" of Hobgoblins which means between 10 and 19.  The online manual explains how many creatures there are according to their description.

Now, go teach these Hobgoblins a lesson, and attack!

You should have no problem defeating them.                                                             ý �    �� 4        �� t        �� ˆ        �� G        �� K        �� g        ��          �� )        ���  A warning!  Higher level creature generators such as the Cyclops Cave are defended, so in order to take them you must first defeat the creatures that protect it.

Fight the creatures, and then you'll be able to hire troops of the same type from this generator each week.                                                           ý �    �� F        �� )        �^   Make sure you visit the Cyclops Cave above.  There is an important lesson to be learned there.                                                           ý �    	! 5        
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! )        �‹   Once you've conquered the Blue Town, be sure to take over everything in this area marked with a Blue flag BEFORE you attack the enemy Hero.                                                           ý �    �� ‰        �   �� Š        �� )        �x�  Some structures, such as the School of Magic, give you bonuses to your Primary skills such as Attack, Defense, Spell Power and Knowledge.  The School of Magic will cost you a little gold to improve either your Spell Power or Knowledge.  Either one will increase the number of spell points available to your Hero.  Each Hero can visit them only once, but they're well worth it.                                                           ý �    �� ‹        ͳÍ|�  �Î   Not every creature wants to kill you.  Sometimes, they decide they like what they see (or perhaps they're just afraid of your army).  Either way, these Orcs want to join your army.  Add them to your forces.                            ÿÿ��  �� Œ         (       �� |        ÿ   �� k        �� k        �� b        �  R        �� .        ��         �� )        �™   Tents such as this Blue Keymaster's Tent must be visited to allow you passage through Border Guards.  There is a Blue Border Guard tower to the far east.                                                           ý �    �� Ž        ��         
 È �� )        �‘   Some objects, such as the Witch's Hut ahead, will teach you a skill for free.  Visit it once and you'll learn what Knowledge she can provide you.                                                           ý �    #� 7        "� ‚                 �#         �%   Now, take this back to the Seer's Hut     �� ‘        ��s ÿÿÿÿý   Welcome to the Seer's Hut.  These are important quest structures that can provide you with artifacts, resources, creatures, just about anything if you complete the quest.

So, find the Endless Sack of Gold and bring it back to this Hut for your reward. ™   You don't have the Endless Sack of Gold yet.  Do I have to do everything for you?!!  If you're having problems finding it, go directly south of this Hut.õ   Great!  Not all quests are going to be that easy, but whenever you find a Seer's Hut you should try to complete the quest.  It usually helps you win the game.

As a reward for the Endless Sack of Gold, I'll give you 9 Thunderbirds for your army.
] 	   $� ’        $� \        $� G        !� )        �»   Ahead is a structure called the Hut of the Magi.  Visit it, and you will find that two areas of the map are magically revealed to you.  This can be useful in keeping an eye on your enemy.                                                           ý �    �" “        �� “        �
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 H        �" –        
# )        �ò   You're approaching a Magic Well.  Whenever you see these, you should visit them, especially if you've been casting a lot of spells in combat.  Magic Wells raise your mana, or spell points, to their maximum.  Only one visit per day is allowed.                                                           ý �    #� —        #� ˜        �� p                 �� p                 �� g        �
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 �        ��          �� )        �U   If you haven't been to the Sawmill yet, turn around and follow the road to your left.                                                           ý �    �� )        �É   Follow the road to your left, and then up to the forest.  You will see a Sawmill there.  Place your cursor over it and notice the walking horse changes to a rearing horse.  That means you can visit it.                                                           ý �