Market of Time

Market of Time is an adventure map location that can be found in Titan's Winter, a map made with an early version of 埃拉西亞的光復.

The Market of Time went through several revisions before we scrapped it.
I believe it was going to be a marketplace that appeared and disappeared
on the map according to a schedule.

George Ruof
Senior Programmer
New World Computing


Greg Fulton, one of lead designers of HoMM3, answered the question about the market's functions:

Originally, the Market of Time was called ‘Brigadoon’.  It would randomly appear after long periods of time, and for a Day, a Hero could purchase very high value artifacts and very cheap resources.  It was ‘cut’ because it required new programming functionality, we were running out of development time, and I was worried players would ‘park’ a Hero at the destination and simply wait for the Market.  Also, for the record, it was never a place where Heroes could unlearn Secondary Skills.

Fanstratics Newsletter #5 (January 2021)