Lizardman and Lizard Warrior

Fortress creatures
Level 1
Gnoll Gnoll
Gnoll Marauder Gnoll Marauder
Level 2
Lizardman Lizardman
Lizard Warrior Lizard Warrior
Level 3
Serpent Fly Serpent Fly
Dragon Fly Dragon Fly
Level 4
Basilisk Basilisk
Greater Basilisk Greater Basilisk
Level 5
Gorgon Gorgon
Mighty Gorgon Mighty Gorgon
Level 6
Wyvern Wyvern
Wyvern Monarch Wyvern Monarch
Level 7
Hydra Hydra
Chaos Hydra Chaos Hydra
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Lizardman.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 5
防禦力 6
殺傷力 2–3
生命值 14
速度 4
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 12
產量 9
AI價值 126
Ranged attack
Lizard Warrior
Creature Lizard Warrior.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 6
防禦力 8
殺傷力 2–5
生命值 15
速度 5
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 24
產量 9
AI價值 156
Ranged attack
Lizard Den  Lizardman (adventure map).gif   Lizard Warrior (adventure map).gif

Lizardmen and Lizard Warriors are the level 2 creatures of Fortress. They are recruited from the Lizard Den.

"Lizardmen and lizard warriors are armed with bows for ranged attacks and daggers for hand-to-hand fighting." RoE manual

Heroes with a specialty

埃拉西亞的光復 and 末日之刃

In 埃拉西亞的光復 and 末日之刃, the statistics of Lizardmen and Lizard Warriors were a bit different. They were changed in 死亡陰影, where their attack, defense, health, damage, growth and cost were increased. The same changes were applied in the Restoration of Erathia patch 1.3 and Armageddon's Blade patch 2.1.

Creature Lizardman.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 5
防禦力 6
殺傷力 1–3
生命值 12
速度 4
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 12
產量 8
Ranged attack
Lizard Warrior
Creature Lizard Warrior.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 5
防禦力 7
殺傷力 2-3
生命值 12
速度 5
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 24
產量 8
Ranged attack
Wystan Lizardman Lizard Warrior
Level Attack Defense Attack Defense
Level 5 6 5 7
2 +1 +1 +1 +1
6 +1 +1 +1 +2
8 +1 +2 +1 +2
10 +2 +2 +2 +2
12 +2 +2 +2 +3
14 +2 +3 +2 +3
18 +3 +3 +3 +4
22 +3 +4 +3 +4
24 +4 +4 +4 +5
28 +4 +5 +4 +5
30 +4 +5 +4 +6
34 +5 +6 +5 +6
36 +5 +6 +5 +7
42 +6 +7 +6 +8
46 +6 +7 +6 +9
48 +7 +8 +7 +9
52 +7 +8 +7 +10
54 +7 +9 +7 +10
56 +8 +9 +8 +10
58 +8 +9 +8 +11
62 +8 +10 +8 +11
64 +8 +10 +8 +12
66 +9 +10 +9 +12
68 +9 +11 +9 +12
70 +9 +11 +9 +13
74 +10 +12 +10 +13
75/88 +11 +14 +11 +16



See also: