Masters of the Elements/Tutorial

Heroes Chronicles

�   ��   Masters of the Elementsù   This tutorial is designed to help you learn the basics of playing Heroes Chronicles.  Follow the instructions, for they will lead you in a specific path, allowing you to learn all of the major functions of the game and conquer your first Heroes map. "�   Tutorial Elemental.h3må/    �      �                                     ����& � � ��¸�  �   �$    �   Tutorialù   This tutorial is designed to help you learn the basics of playing Heroes Chronicles.  Follow the instructions, for they will lead you in a specific path, allowing you to learn all of the major functions of the game and conquer your first Heroes map.�  �   �   ‰ÿ     �   ‰    ��  �    &ÿ     �   &       ?  ÷  ÿ        €  c  ÿ        �     ÿ        Å  Ð  ÿ        7    ÿ              ÿ     ÿÿ     ¿ÿ          ÿý        ÿ    þ!ÿ    þ"ÿ    þ#ÿ    þ$ÿ    þ%ÿ    þ&ÿ    þ'ÿ    þ(ÿ    þ)ÿ    þ*ÿ    þ+ÿ    þ,ÿ    þ-ÿ    þ.ÿ    þ/ÿ    þ€ÿ    ýÿ    ý‚ÿ    ýƒÿ    ý„ÿ    ý…ÿ    ý†ÿ    ý‡ÿ    ýˆÿ    ý‰ÿ    ýŠÿ    ý‹ÿ    ýŒÿ    ýÿ    ýŽÿ    ýÿ    ý                                              €ÿ�                                                 �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ                                                                                  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ  �    ÿ              �4     �>     �4     �4     �2     �3     �?     �7     �;     �8     �2     �7     �1     �1     �F     �4     �7     �8     �1     �8     �4     �1     �4     �2     �D     �<     �6     �3     �F     �6     �8     �<     �?     �8     �7     �6     �5     �6     �6     �A     �5     �9     �1     �F     �6     �6     �3     �5     �4     �5     �8     �7     �>     �3     �<     �=     �H     �8     �:     �7     �1     �B     �5     �6     �>     �H     �3     �3     �5     �G     �=     �=     �3     �1     �1     �7     �7     �1     �@     �7     �E     �8     �8     �1     �4     �<     �3     �2     �8     �3     �6     �5     �8     �4     �3     �1     �A     �6     �G     �1     �A     �7     �5     �;     �E     �7     �1     �2     �<     �2     �6     �4     �:     �2     �8     �4     �6     �2     �;     �1     �4     �4     �:     �=     �4     �4     �1     �G     �H     �3     �4     �2     �2     �5     �5     �<     �4     �;     �1     �7     �6     �:     �4     �;     �4     �B     �1     �2     �5     �8     �;     �3     �5     �4     �?     �8     �3     �3     �7     �?     �4     �F     �8     �5     �7     �1     �5     �6     �7     �>     �2     �7     �<     �H     �2     �4     �A     �8     �2     �2     �7     �3     �3     �?     �2     �1     �3     �<     �7     �8     �5     �2     �4     �7     �5     �2     �?     �4     �5     �3     �F     �7     �3     �@     �6     �4     �8     �8     �3     �4     �2     �D     �G     �4     �3     �5     �;     �5     �8     �3     �7     �3     �3     �7     �H     �7     �2     �9     �5     �5     �6     �3     �9     �6     �4     �4     �4     �6     �7     �F     �2     �?     �4     �A     �2     �4     �<     �5     �8     �7     �6     �D     �4     �E     �2     �E     �8     �4     �G     �3     �6     �4     �6     �D     �8     �3     �5     �3     �6     �G     �6     �>     �D     �8     �5     �8     �9     �2     �5     �8     �2     �8     �C     �8     �4     �<     �A     �7     �5     �8     �=     �7     �4     �A     �8     �8     �<     �6     �7     �3     �=     �5     �E     �H     �3     �7     �7     �1     �E�
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 #        	� #        �� �        �� $        �� $        �� %        �� &        �‘�  This is a Two-way Monolith.  If you step on the Monolith it will take you to another one just like it.  When you get to the other side, and discover there are creatures there you don't want to fight all you have to do is press the space bar to go back through the Monolith.  If you do want to fight the creatures on the other side, all you need to do is attack them normally, and continue on your way.                                                           ÿ �    �� '        X,P|�&       ÿ ÿ                  �  �            !� �            �� �            #� �            �
 �            �� (            �	 )        �	 (        ÿ   �� *        �� +        ÿ   �� ,        ÿ   �� -        ÿ   �� .        ÿ   �  /        ÿ   �" 0        �" 1        �� 2        �
 3        �� 4        ¿ïÿ��� &        ���  Just ahead is the Gremlin dwelling, the Workshop.  Here you can recruit Gremlins for free once a week.  After the first day of the week the numbers here are restored and you can recruit again, but this only happens once a week and the number that can be recruited does not increase.                                                            ÿ �    �� �        �� 5        ��          �� �        �� 5        ��          �� �        �� &        �°�   When I visit the Ore Pit notice how the color on the Mini-Map turns from Gray to Blue, your kingdom's color.  This will provide your kingdom with two Ore each day.  There are seven types of mines total, and it is essential that you have at least one of each kind to increase your kingdom's resources to necessary levels.

After the Ore Pit is flagged, please move ahead to the sparkling green object and I'll tell you all about it.                                                           ÿ �    �
 	        �� 6        �� 7        �� 8        �	 9        �� :        �� &        �S�  You can see that this ground is different from the snow terrain.  These are Magic Clouds, and give any spellcaster expert Air Magic, but only while standing on them.  When you are in combat your Air spells will be cast at expert level.  There are three other terrains similar to this.  They are the Rocklands, Fiery Fields and Lucid Pools.                                                           ÿ �    �� ;        �� &        �t�  It might be a good idea to visit the War Machine Factory and purchase a few things to help you defeat your enemy.  Inside you can buy the Ballista (a large crossbow-like weapon used against your enemies), the First Aid Tent (which heals one stack of troops at the end of the combat round), and the Ammo Cart (which assures that your missile troops don't run out of ammo).
                                                           ÿ �    �� �        ��          �� &        �ß   Objects such as this Learning Stone can give you bonuses to your Luck, Morale, Statistics, and in the case of the Learning Stone, Experience.  Ride into it and you'll find that your low level Hero will gain 1000 Experience.                                                           ÿ �    �� <        �� =        �� >        �� &        �\�  Greetings, Majesty, I am Rissa and I will be helping you explore the world.  First, let us journey towards the Sawmill to the west of here.  After I have put the Sawmill into working order for your kingdom let us go back east in order to get the Ore Pit under your control.  If you like, we can stop and pick up some of the loose resources as well.                                                           ÿ �    �� �        �� ?        �� �        �� @        
� �        
  &        �±   This, your majesty, is a Windmill.  The miller will provide you with a bit of free resources each week.  You should send someone out here weekly to gather what the miller makes.                                                           ÿ �    	  �        	! �        
� �        
! �        �" �        �# B        �" &        �x   The Star Axis is a power-up site that improves your Spell Power skill by one point.  Only one visit per Hero is allowed.                                                           ÿ �    �" 
        �! �        �! �        
� C        �� &        �   This is the Green Keymaster's Tent.  Visiting here will allow you to pass the Green Border Gate.  Each time you see a Keymaster's Tent you should visit it.  You never know when you will need it.                                                           ÿ �    �� %        

 �        �
 �        �� &        �ã   This is the Sawmill, where two units of Wood are produced each day.  Once again the Mine will become yours and will be indicated by the color of the flag.  From here you should follow the path west and continue with your quest.                                                           ÿ �    �� �        �� =        �� >        �� &        ��  The strange looking structure to the east is a Witch's Hut.  Don't be afraid to send at least one Hero there to find out what she teaches.  Each Hut will only teach one skill, but there are lots of different skills for them to teach.  The education is free.  If the Hero already knows the skill, or his skill slots are full, the Witch may get a little irritated with you but she will do no real harm.                                                           ÿ �    	� &        �y�  This is a Shrine of Magic.  There are three levels of these, teaching any Hero with a spell book level one, level two or level three spells.  Each Shrine only has one spell to teach.  Often, you will find spells in the Shrines of Magic that are not found in your Mage Tower and are very helpful.  You should visit each one at least once to see if there is a new spell to learn.                                                           ÿ �    	� D        #   
� �        
� E        �" &        �E�  This is a good place for every Hero to visit.  The Garden of Revelations will give me a little boost to my Knowledge, and will do the same for all other Heroes who visit here.  It only works once, so revisiting one of these won't have any further effect.  As your Knowledge goes up, your available spell points go up as well.                                                           ÿ �    �  �         # F        �# �        �� G         � &        �Ç�  This strange place is called an Imp Cache.  They have Mercury and Gold hidden away, but they won't give it up without a fight.  It is best to make sure that you have enough troops to survive.  There are between 100 and 300 Imps guarding their treasure.  The more Imps you have to fight, the greater the treasure.  There are other such structures that have creatures guarding treasure, and it is always a good idea to be well prepared for a vicious battle.                                                           ÿ �    �� �        �� �        �� �         � �         � H        �� �        
� I        	� &        �Í   Up ahead is the Green Border Gate.  You can only pass through it if you have visited the Green Keymaster's Tent.  Finding the appropriate Keymaster's Tent can often be difficult, but well worth the effort.                                                           ÿ �    �� �        
� >        �
 &        �ú   Some places will charge for increasing the abilities of your Heroes.  This is one such place.  In the School of Magic, Knowledge or Spell Power can be increased - the choice is yours.  If you don't have the School's fee then nothing can be learned.                                                             ÿ �    �
 �        �	 J        �� �        !� �            !� �        $� �        �� 	        $� 
        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        $� �        #� �        �� �         � �        #� �        �� �        �� �        �  �        �  �        �� K        �� &        �ò   You're approaching a Magic Well.  Whenever you see these, you should visit them, especially if you've been casting a lot of spells in combat.  Magic Wells raise your mana, or spell points, to their maximum.  Only one visit per day is allowed.                                                           ÿ �    �� B        �� H        �� =        !	 &        �ý   Right-click on this Garrison and you'll notice there are a lot of different creatures inside.  Obviously the Elementals in the area didn't want any unannounced guests.  If you want to defeat your enemy, we're going to have to defeat this Garrison first.                                                           ÿ �    �� 	         � �        $
 L            v C ? 0 s �  � } � x � ÿÿ  �        �� &        �$�  To the west is a Sulfur Mine.  Even though you already have one it is a good idea to put this Sulfur Mine under your kingdom's control.  That way you have more resources to work with and your enemy has less.  Watch the Mini-Map as the mine turns from your enemy's color, Red, to yours, Blue.
                                                           ÿ �    �� &        �¦   This is the Arena, and you can learn either Defense or Offense here, but not both.  Each Hero is entitled to one visit, and it doesn't cost the kingdom any resources.                                                           ÿ �    �� �        �� �         " &        �R�  You can now see the Conflux where the evil Elemental Lords reside.  When you have enough forces to defeat the Hero stationed there, you should go ahead and attack the Conflux.

Be prepared however, because the town does have its own defenses, such as walls, arrow towers and a moat.  You may need a lot more troops to conquer the Conflux.                                                           ÿ �    !% �        #� �        �� M        $� *        #� J        �� ?         � B        "� %        #� N        �� O        �� &        �}   Nearby is the Tree of Knowledge where you can gain an entire level in exchange for some Gold, or Gems, or sometimes for free.                                                           ÿ �    �� �        �� B        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� P        ÿ   �� �        �� Q        ÿ   �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� �        �� &        �§   This is where the powerful Giants reside, in their Cloud Temple.  You will need to fight some in order to recruit from here, but they are worth the time and trouble.                                                             ÿ �    �� &        �˜   Up ahead is the Naga dwelling.  Like the Altar of Wishes and the Golem Factory you will have to fight some Nagas before being able to recruit from here.                                                           ÿ �    �� &        �ã   This is the Parapet.  It functions almost the same as the Workshop, giving you Gargoyles when you visit.  However, the Gargoyles will not simply join you - they require a recruiter's fee.  Once the fee is paid, they are yours.                                                            ÿ �    �� &        �m�  The Golem Factory is slightly different from the other creature dwellings; you will have to fight some Golems in order to recruit from this building.  Also, there is more than just one type of Golem here - there are four.  The rare Gold and Diamond Golems can be recruited here, along with the regular Stone and Iron Golems.  These are excellent dwellings to visit.                                                           ÿ �    �� F        �  &        �ê   The Altar of Wishes is slightly different from the other creature dwellings; you will have to fight some Genies to recruit from this building.  I suppose they want to make sure you are a worthy leader before committing to your cause.                                                            ÿ �    �� �        �! H        �! =        �! >        �� @        �� �         � R         � �        $	 �        %� �        "� �        �	 �        �	 �        �	 �        �� �        �� �        �� &        �´   This is the Mage's Tower where Mages dwell.  They are excellent spellcasters, and can throw powerful balls of energy at the enemy.  Mages are always a welcome addition to any army.                                                           ÿ �    �� �        �� �        �� B        �� &        �y   Before you go inspecting that sparkling green object make sure you go to the Ore Pit first.  We'll get there soon enough.                                                           ÿ �    	� &        �R�  There are some creatures here who do not want us to gain access to those mines.  However, we will need the resources each mine produces to build the kingdom.  If you don't think I have enough troops, simply send me back to the town and I can recruit some creatures from the dwellings.  If you think I have enough, let's claim those mines!                                                           ÿ �    �� S        Y,P|  �     �
 S        Z,P|  �     �
 &        �6�  This is the Water Wheel where you collect your portion of the taxes, but only once a week.  If you don't visit the miller each week he'll spend the tax money and you'll be out of luck.  It's always best to have someone going around to the Water Wheel and the Windmill in order to collect the taxes owed to you.                                                           ÿ �    �
 S        [,P|  �     �� �        �� �        �
 #        �� �        �� S        \,P|  ��Ù   This is an Alchemist's Lab, and it will provide your kingdom with one unit of Mercury per day.  You should always have one of these in production.  However, we are going to have to get rid of the Air Elementals first.                            ÿÿ    �� R        �� S        ],P|  �     �� T        ^,P|  ��W�  Whenever you encounter creatures they will either join you, fight you or run away.  What they do depends on a few things, how large your army is, if you are of the same alignment, if you have the skill Diplomacy, or if they are just in the mood to fight.  It looks like these Pixies aren't very friendly right now, so we'll have to fight them.                            ÿÿ    �� U                 �! �        �� �        �  �        �� B        �� F        �� E        �� V        _,P|  �     �� R        �	 6        �	 8        �� 6        
� W        `,P|  �     �
 V        a,P|  �     �	 �        �� X        b,P|  �     �� Y        �   �� Z        ��" � ÿÿÿÿ¼�  Greetings, this is a Seer's Hut.  Here you will find smaller quests, sometimes integral to finishing your main quest.  The person within can ask many things of you, ranging from creatures, resources or performing some other task.

I am interested in helping you along so I will take 30 Mages and turn them into 30 Enchanters for you.  Enchanters are a powerful upgrade of the Mage and ArchMage.  You'll really like their spellcasting abilities.L   Please return when you have 30 Mages to spare and I'll upgrade them for you.R   Now that you have 30 Mages are you ready to have them upgraded into 30 Enchanters?
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# [        �� ^                 �� [        �� _                  � a                 �� ^                 �� U                 �� \                 �� ]                 �� ^                 �� a                 �� U                 �� ^                 �� _                 �� ^                 �  a                 �� [        �� U                 �� `                 �� `                 !� ^                 �� ^                 #� a                 "� _                 �� U                 �� ]                  � `                 �� \                 �� U                 �� U                 #� ^                 �� a                 "� [        !� _                 �� U                 �� _                 �� _                 �� ]                 "� a                  � a                 #� ^                 �� [        �! a                 �" \                 �! \                 "  ]                 "# ]                 �   �   Day 1-a7�  Greetings, your Majesty.  I am your advisor, Maranthea.  You will be instructed in the basic duties of any who would run a kingdom here.  I will give advice each day, so please have some patience and read my messages.  Once you learn what I have to teach, you will be able to run your own kingdom very smoothly.                            ÿ�                     �   Day 1-b��  Now, you should construct a building EACH day.  To build, enter the town by clicking on the town itself or on the small picture of it on the right side of the screen.

Once inside the Town Screen you need to look for a structure called the "Village Hall" to the left.  Click on it and the Hall Screen will pop up.  Here you will find all sorts of buildings to build.  Right click on them to learn what their functions are and how much it is to build them. 

For the moment, please build the Parapet.  This will allow you to recruit Gargoyles.                            ÿ�                     �   Day 2+�  Today it would be wise to build the Golem Factory, which will provide a home for the Golems.  Eventually you can upgrade the Golem Factory, but you should build other structures first.  Once you have finished building for the day, explore with the Hero, Rissa, to learn more about your surroundings.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 30�  Today, it would be a good idea to build the Mage Guild.  Of course, during a real game you may build in any order you like, but building in this order will give you maximum efficiency.  The Mage Guild will provide your Heroes with valuable spells to be used in combat, as well as on the Adventure Screen.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 4*�  Today we will build the Mage Tower.  This is different from the Mage Guild, because it provides Mages, not spells.  They may sound a lot a like, but the buildings have different functions.  Mages are spell casters who shoot powerful balls of energy at the enemy - an excellent addition to any army.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 5ô   Right now we can build the Altar of Wishes, which will allow you to recruit Genies.

Don't forget to have Rissa come back every so often to collect more troops.  What she starts out with won't last forever and there is a lot of ground to cover.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 6��  You should have Rissa return to the Tower if she already hasn't to learn new spells and recruit creatures.  Her troop supply won't last forever.

Today we will build the Golden Pavilion, where the powerful Nagas dwell.  These multi-armed creatures are fantastic warriors.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 7´�  Always try to build structures like the Citadel before the end of the week.  This will give you a fifty percent increase in the number of troops who will arrive tomorrow.  It will also add arrow towers and a moat to your defenses.  I don't think we are going to be attacked, but normally you will be.  Protecting your original town can often be difficult, but the Citadel and eventually the Castle make it easier.

Now, build a Citadel.                            ÿ� �                   	   Day 8 - aé�  Wonderful - a new week!  There is one very important thing that happens at the beginning of the week.  All of the troop dwellings are refreshed with troops, both inside and outside of the Tower.  You should send a Hero around to collect all of the troops living outside of the Tower.  In order to hire a Hero you will need to enter the Tavern.  Click on the Tavern and then hire one of the two Heroes available there.  Send that Hero out to recruit the troops waiting in their dwellings.                              ÿ� �                   �   Day 9Z�  Today you should build the Marketplace.  This will allow you to trade an excess of one resource for something you need.  Sometimes, you will have an abundance of one resource (such as Wood), so you can trade it here at the Marketplace for something you need (such as Gold).  The more Marketplaces you own, the better deal you'll get on the trade.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 10Á   To build a City Hall you will need a Blacksmith.  Go ahead and build the Blacksmith, and see what he has to sell your Hero.  Remember, you can only use the Blacksmith if there is a Hero around.                            ÿ� 	                   �   Day 11ì   Now you can finally build the City Hall, which will bring in even more revenue for your kingdom.  It will earn you 2000 Gold per day.  That will help when paying the recruitment fees for all of those troops at the beginning of the week.                            ÿ� 
                   �   Day 12¿   By now there should be enough Gold to build the Cloud Temple and then purchase a few Giants for Rissa's army.  Giants are huge creatures that can move quickly - a powerful asset to your army.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 13
�  Your Tower's defenses are in poor shape, so you should build the Castle.  This will give your town the best defenses it can afford, and allow you to build a Capitol.  Also, the Castle will increase the number of troops who will arrive on the first of the week by 50%.                              ÿ� �                   �   Day 14—   As you can see the Capitol is now available, and earning 4000 Gold every day is every ruler's dream.  Build the Capitol and reap the benefits tomorrow.                            ÿ� 
                   �   Day 15��  There is a very special structure here called the Wall of Knowledge.  After you build it, have Rissa or another Hero come by the Tower.  They will gain a plus one to their Knowledge, a great boon indeed!  But remember, a Hero can visit the town and receive this bonus only once.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 16Œ   The Library is another special building, providing your Hero additional spells at each level.  This is a small price to pay for more spells.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 17   To increase the number of Gargoyles who arrive at the beginning of each week you should build the Sculptor's Wings.  This will bring in a few more Gargoyles, and extra troops are always welcome.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 185�  You have heard me talk about upgrading buildings, especially the troop generators.  What this does is give you a more experienced, faster and better troop within the dwelling.  It is always a good idea to upgrade the dwellings in your town, but only if you have the resources to spare.  It is far more important to hire troops or build new structures than to upgrade.

By now you should have built the first level of all the creature dwellings.  So go ahead and upgrade the buildings you are interested in.  If you have already recruited some creatures before their dwelling was upgraded you can still upgrade the creature.  Simply double click on the creature's portrait and then use the up arrow button located in the pop-up window.  It'll cost you a little extra Gold, but the upgrades are always worth the extra cost.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 19w�  I think you have the hang of it, sir.  I know that Rissa has a few more instructions for you, but that is about all I have for now.  Simply continue to build what is left in your town, upgrading the troop dwellings and the troops in the order that pleases you.  If you have any further difficulties, please refer to your on-line manual, as that also has valuable information.                            ÿ� �                   �   Day 1-câ   Whenever you've finished (that is, when your Heroes no longer have any movement left and you've built what you needed to build), you end your turn and go to the next by clicking the 'hourglass' on the right side of the screen.                            ÿ�                     	   Day 8 - bÃ�  Now, to pay for those troops you are going to need to make more money each day.  The best way to do that is build up your Town Hall.  This will produce more Gold each day as you upgrade the structure.  So build the Town Hall and watch your income go from 500 Gold a day to 1000 Gold a day.  You may be tempted to build the Cloud Temple, but resist the urge because those Giants cost a lot of money to recruit, and you may not have enough Gold on hand.                            ÿ� �