Inferno creatures
Level 1
Imp Imp
Familiar Familiar
Level 2
Gog Gog
Magog Magog
Level 3
Hell Hound Hell Hound
Cerberus Cerberus
Level 4
Demon Demon
Horned Demon Horned Demon
Level 5
Pit Fiend Pit Fiend
Pit Lord Pit Lord
Level 6
Efreeti Efreeti
Efreet Sultan Efreet Sultan
Level 7
Devil Devil
Arch Devil Arch Devil
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Gog.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 6
防禦力 4
殺傷力 2–4
生命值 13
速度 4
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 12
產量 8
AI價值 159
Ranged attack
Creature Magog.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻擊力 7
防禦力 4
殺傷力 2–4
生命值 13
速度 6
移動 陸地
體型 1
彈藥 24
產量 8
AI價值 240
Ranged attack
Fireball Attack
Hall of Sins  Gog (adventure map).gifMagog (adventure map).gif

Gogs and Magogs are level 2 creatures of Inferno. They are recruited from the Hall of Sins.

"Gogs and magogs hurl fireballs and attack with their claws at close range. Magog fireblasts affect the target hex and its surrounding hexes like a Fireball spell." RoE manual

Heroes with a specialty

  • Calh Calh the Demoniac has gogs as a specialty, which increases the attack and defense skills of any gogs or magogs for each level attained after 2nd level, and gives them a speed bonus of 1.


In 深淵號角, Magogs can shoot fireball at any hex of the battlefield except for its own hex and adjacent ones (unless Bow of the Sharpshooter is present). Targeting dialogue is called by pressing G. Note that this Fireball does friendly fire. However, creatures immune to fire can be damaged only by a central hex:



See also: