Horn of the Abyss 仅在启用非官方扩展包“深渊号角”时可用。
Cove creatures
Level 1
Nymph Nymph Horn of the Abyss
Oceanid Oceanid Horn of the Abyss
Level 2
Crew Mate Crew Mate Horn of the Abyss
Seaman Seaman Horn of the Abyss
Level 3
Pirate Pirate Horn of the Abyss
Corsair Corsair Horn of the Abyss
Sea Dog Sea Dog Horn of the Abyss
Level 4
Stormbird Stormbird Horn of the Abyss
Ayssid Ayssid Horn of the Abyss
Level 5
Sea Witch Sea Witch Horn of the Abyss
Sorceress Sorceress Horn of the Abyss
Level 6
Nix Nix Horn of the Abyss
Nix Warrior Nix Warrior Horn of the Abyss
Level 7
Sea Serpent Sea Serpent Horn of the Abyss
Haspid Haspid Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Neutral
Creature Nix.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 13
防御力 16
杀伤力 18–22
生命值 80
速度 6
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 2
AI价值 1415
• Ignores 30% of enemy's attack skill
Nix Warrior
Creature Nix Warrior.gif
Resource Gold 20x18.gif

攻击力 14
防御力 17
杀伤力 18–22
生命值 90
速度 7
移动 陆地
体型 1
产量 2
AI价值 2116
Ignores 60% of enemy's attack skill
Nix Fort  Nix (adventure map).gifNix Warrior (adventure map).gifNix Fort

Nix and Nix Warriors are the level 6 creatures of Cove. They can be recruited from the Nix Fort.

"The origin of Nixes is shrouded in the darkness of mystery. It is believed that they are the ancestors of lizardfolk. Nixes built a huge Nixaar Empire in the depths of the Endless Ocean to save themselves from the consequences of the Day of Fire when planet was plunged into darkness of the Silence. However, the country of Nixes fell in the war against Triton Empire. Now Nixes are scattered and endangered people, whose remains were until recently in slaves. Nix Warriors are hardened fighters accompanying rich Regnan captains as bodyguards. In addition to the thick skin, these people dressed in excellent armor, forged by the best blacksmiths of Regna." HotA Facebook post

Heroes with a specialty

  • Tark Tark the Captain has nix as a specialty, which increases the speed of any Nix or Nix Warriors by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 5% for every 6 levels (rounded up).



See also: